
"...But you don't know about love. If there hadn't been a sixth day, man would not exist; copper would always be just copper, and lead just lead. It's true that everything has its destiny, but one day that destiny would be realized.
So each thing has to transform itself into something better, and to acquire a new destiny, until someday, the Soul of the World becomes one thing only."

The sun thought about that, and decided to shine more brightly.
"That's what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too."
"Well, why did you say that I don't know about love?" the sun asked the boy.

"Because it's not love to be static like the desert, nor is it love to roam the world like the wind. And it's not love to see everything from a distance like you do.

Love is the force that transforms and improves the Soul of the World. When I first reached through it, I thought the Soul of the World was perfect. But later, I could see that it was like other aspects of creation, and had its own passions and wars. It is we who nourish the Soul of the World, and the world we live in will be either better or worse, depending on whether we become better or worse.
And that's where the power of love comes in.

Because when we love, we always strive to become better than we are."  

How inspiring! xx

I love The Creative Exchange by Lisa.

Linking to Photography Challenge by Faith.

(The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. This is the fascinating story of Santiago, a shepherd boy who dreams of travelling the world to seek the most wonderful treasures known to man.)


Anonymous said...

Dear Betty,
what a wonderful story and so awesome pictures, I love it ♥
Warm greetings

Felicity Grace Terry said...

What inspiring words, totally beautiful as, of course, were your photos - I especially loved those of the autumn leaves turned red.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful photos, but, you can't beat it, first one is terrific, I've never seen the sunbeams like that.

Emm said...

What a spectacular post with incredible photos! The Alchemist has been on my to-read list for a while now, I must get around to reading it.

Crissi said...

Oh wonderful autumn Photos,
hug Crissi

A Mother Always said...

This is gorgeous, God's beautiful earth...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Awesome!Awesome!Awesome!Awesome! and again i say Awesome! shots, i am trying to pick a favorite but it is hard. the one I think I like the most is the individual leaves that are purple and gold and green. love the rusty stairs, and the sunbeam though the black of the leaves. love it ALL today

magda said...

Καλώς ήρθες Μπεττούλα μου με τις υπέροχες φθινοπωρινές φωτογραφίες σου και τα όμορφα σου λόγια για την αγάπη!
Εύχομαι ο ήλιος της αγάπης να σε ζεσταίνει πάντα!
Πολλά-πολλά φιλάκια

Craver Vii said...

Those sun streaks in the first photo are intense.

I especially liked the 8th photo. The one after the Maple leaves on the ground. I think those are Ash, right? Anyway, I like how they light up with the sunlight pushing through from behind. It makes it appear as though the leaves themselves are luminescent.

And then, I also like the classic look of the rusty stairs.

Pat said...

Beautiful photos....wonderful words!

Unknown said...

Beautiful shots and thoughts Betty.
Have a beautiful evening.

Ξανθή said...

Πολύ ωραίες φωτογραφίες!!!

Lynn said...

Lovely! I must get that book.

ritsa said...

Glad you're back!
Inspiring excerpt and pictures!!


ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

Autumn gives us very nice landscapes really!Also good mood and desire can transform the way of life!

dennistheeremite said...

Have you ever read Thomas Traherne's "Centuries of Meditation" which is a beautiful, perfectly comprehensible 17th century work? I think you would like it. It feels like your quotations here.

Ms. A said...

Perfect words to accompany your photos.

I must ask, in the 12th photo, (shriveling leaves) is that a monkey in the upper right corner?

The last photo reminded me of Saturday and my granddaughter, singing "Feed The Birds" (from Mary Poppins)

Have a wonderful week!

Hilary said...

Absolutely beautiful. I especially love that photo of the wooden steps.

Fer said...

Excelente contraluz, me encantan esos rayos, saludos...

Fer said...

Excelente contraluz, me encantan esos rayos, saludos...

Kelly said...

The words and photos go beautifully together, Betty!

I'm so glad to see you posting again and hope your heart is healing.


imac said...

Love your photo - super.

Nice words and hope you are slowly getting to your bright and cheery self again.

Anonymous said...

Life IS transformation. Without all the changes we create, we would not have the pleasure to sense and love.. Big hug to you.. ;)

Cloudia said...

wise photos
and beautiful words!

Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >


< ° ) } } > <

Nancy said...

Was so sorry to read about the loss of your friend, Betty. Big hugs to you. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Yep, Autumn is the season of change and I totally loved this post.
Wonderful pictures and thoughts!!

Have a great day!

Bitch said...

Beautiful words and picture..
It fits perfectly!!!!

A big hug my dear!!!

Lisa Gordon said...

Wonderful post Betty, and what a beautiful image to go with it!

Anonymous said...

awesome !

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Beautiful thought with a beautiful picture too and good combination!

"Obrigado", from Portugal.


Fábio Martins said...

What a beautiful regist! A different day, more special photos

Liz Mays said...

So absolutely gorgeous! (PS. We need to catch up with each other's lives!)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Love this post! I especially love the photo of the rusty stairs with the rusty leaves below. Both are used and yet still beautiful.

Malar said...

What a lovely story and beautiful photos!

George said...

Your photos are marvelous and do a wonderful job of illustrating transformations. They go with the story very well.

Dan said...

Wonderful words and eye-candy! Thank you.

Leovi said...

Great pictures with the wonderful light and color of autumn. I love the color of those pretty leaves.

Anonymous said...

What utterly magical shots and words. Congrats on your POTW. Well deserved.

diane b said...

Great shots and an interesting ideas.

Slamdunk said...

Amazing shots.

You had me trying to touch that sunbeam and wanting to go dive in the piles of leaves.

Congrats on your POTW.

TexWisGirl said...

read this the other day and didn't leave a comment, but came back today to congratulate you on your POTW. :) big hugs to you, betty!

beth said...

obviously you love what i love....beautiful photos. i love all the warmth !!

and i see you are a POTW, too....congrats

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Heello Betty:

Thanks for the nice words & pictures.

Take care and keep adding to the collective love in our world,

Reena said...

What an awesome shot!

Trac~ said...

Gorgeous as always! Big hugs my friend1 xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I really did enjoy having a look at your photography.

Barb said...

A good way to think about love - and fall is perfect for transformation. Your photography is wonderful. Congrats on POTW!

Chatty Crone said...

Very Inspiring. sandie

SandyCarlson said...

So very beautifully said!

Nevine Sultan said...

Dearest Betty, your photos are absolutely beautiful and so inspiring. But... I must digress for a moment and just say... I am so sorry to learn of the loss of your friend. I have been away and missed that post completely! What can I say except that I wish you comfort and peace during this time. I'm so sorry I'm late with this... but... I hope you are finding some time to think fondly of her.

And back to your autumn pics... they are just refreshing, to say the least. As for the thoughts on love from Coehlo, well, who can argue with that???

I wish you a lovely weekend to come... and warm hugs to you, my dearest!!!


SquirrelQueen said...

Fabulous autumn photos Betty. I love the first one with the sun's rays streaming through the trees. The Alchemist sounds like a great book, I am going to have to look for a copy.

alp said...

Preciosa foto, un beso desde Murcia..entra el sol...

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Hi Betty

wonderful picture!
The rays of light are really amazing!

Greetings and have a nice weekend
Yvonne and Raphael

Leovi said...

Delicious heaven, I like the light of these beautiful pictures. I wish you a happy weekend.

Phil Slade said...

Superb photography Betty

Jenn Jilks said...

These are just amazing photos, yours, and the black and white. My condolences on your friend's passing. I do volunteer hospice work.
I love the swans, and the boots and the leaf!
You are quite gifted.
Thank you for visiting my critters today!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

Anvilcloud said...

Fine photos and thoughts. I like how you captured the rays in the first photo.

Laura said...

What lovely pictures you conjured up with that wonderful piece!

Great post!

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful photos. Love the horse.

Neat blog...I am stopping by to take a look around.



Lisa Gordon said...

Betty, just stopping back for another look and to say thank you so much for sharing these today at The Creative Exchange.

Have a great evening!


Anonymous said...

beautiful story. I love "The Alchemist"! One of my favorite books.
btw, you pictures are amazing !

Lui said...

Such wonderful shots perfect for your musings.

Love is inherent, methinks. Yet how do we define love if we do not acknowledge it in our lives?

anilkurup59 said...

Hi you have a poetic mind. The allegory and the pics are beautiful.

faith ann raider said...

Thank you so much for linking up! Sorry to be just now commenting ) I must have been in a hurry when I saw this post earlier in the week. My favorite photo is the last one but I also love the perspective of the one with the boots

Jeff said...

Sumptuous patterns, nicely anchored by the "grounded" photo. :)

Claudya Martinez said...

The photo of the staircase is stunning.

Howardbrfh said...

Life IS transformation. Without all the changes we create, we would not have the pleasure to sense and love.. Big hug to you.. ;)