Happy New Year!

Happy (almost) New Year, everyone! I'd like to take a moment to tell you all how grateful I am for your friendships, for all the visits and sweet comments. Thank you all so much for such a wonderful year! It has been so much fun to have you here...oh, I am so glad we crossed trails!
May every day of the New Year glow with good cheer and happiness for you and your family.
Here's to hoping that 2012 is a fabulous year for all of us!

Cheers to a better and brighter tomorrow!

I just want to reach through the screen and hug you all!

Be safe and celebrate! xx

P.S. I'm away on a holiday. Just wanted to drop in and send you my warmest wishes across the miles for the New Year!

*Comments Off*

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas.
Thank you so much to all of you who keep me inspired with all your interaction; I also thank you  for being so supportive of Cut and  Dry.
Wishing you all peace and happiness for the festive season!

I am off on a short holiday. Looking forward to catching up with you soon!  Lots of love! xx

Happy Holidays!

How will you spend the holidays this year? I'll be spending Christmas with my family and look forward to lovingly welcoming and hugging some  beloved relatives of mine.

At this point, I'd like to encourage all who will be spending Christmas Eve alone through choice, or not through choice.
I have had Christmas all alone, once, and it was not my favourite Christmas, but there are definitely many ways to make it better.
Make a list of what makes it feel like Christmas. Put up a tree, or hang some lights and garlands.
Bring some Christmas magic into your home.
May this holiday season be so special that you never ever feel lonely again and be surrounded by loved ones throughout!

Here are a few little bits of Christmas.

Christmas is a time of making memories, a time of remembering...
Home sweet home...
London, Holiday season 2010.

Potatoes fried and spiced-up. Yummy! Plymouth Christmas Market, Holiday Season 2010.

Plymouth Christmas Market is situated in the centre of Plymouth, England, providing a wonderfully memorable experience to everyone.
This event promises a host of tasty treats and original, handmade arts and crafts.
Christmas treats.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!

My darlings, may your holidays be filled with special memories shared with your loved ones. May all your dreams come true in the New Year! Lots of love! xx

P.S. Here's my very first Christmas post in 2009, if you'd like to see.

What Are Your Simple Joys in Life?

Oh, I get so busy at times that I don't cherish the little joys and simple pleasures of life. Sigh! But there are, and always will be, simple, little things around us that still naturally calm the mind and greatly lift the spirits. I have at least a couple handfuls of simple, little pleasures...
Here are some of my favourite feel-good moments through pictures.

Popping into Vintage little shops.
Pink flowers.
One of life's simple pleasures is a beautiful bunch of flowers. I love having fresh flowers in my space.

That first sip of coffee in the morning.

Eating ice-cream while watching a good movie is one of those things that makes you think...life is good!
Vintage framed mirrors.
A real wreath that gives off all that important scent of pine.

A Xmas wreath looks great no matter where you hang it. I hang mine on the front door.
The custom of using wreaths as Christmas decoration dates to 16th century Germany, where Lutherans created the Advent wreath.
Citrus fruits.
Fish and Chips ( Fish and fries)- served with mushy peas.

A popular take-away food in the UK, Ireland, Canada, and Australia.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
Robert Brault

What are your favourite simple pleasures in life? I'd love to hear. xx

Five Likes Tuesday

Twinkling lights.  

Christmas day will be here eventually and I can't help but wonder if Christmas magic it's only for kids. Realizing that many of us (including me) will have someone we love missing from the celebrations this year, it's easy to want to echo the Grinch's sentiment- " I must find a way to keep Christmas from coming!"

But it helps to remember what Christmas really means...peace, love and a joy of life every day of the year. 
And it's always important to remember the simple things in life that bring you joy. After all, it is the little things that count and help us enjoy every day. 
Focusing on what brightens our day, even in the smallest ways, I think it's a great way to get yourself in a good mood.
Christmas ornaments.
Christmas fairy tale decoration. (Without a doubt, this one always brought out the "child" in me!).
Winter blooms.
Chocolate Strawberry Cake.

I read somewhere that "Christmas gets all glammed up, but at the heart of it all, it celebrates a very quiet moment..." xx

Leaves, Blog Love + Have a Great Weekend!

I love the changing of the leaves...the autumn leaves of red and gold. I love Autumn.

Although Fall is over (according to United States unofficial tradition the fall season ends around December 21), there are some places around the world where you can still enjoy a beautiful autumnal day.
Autumn leaves made of gold.
Well, to my unexpected surprise this beautiful blog award came my way recently, and I'd like to take the time out to say a big thank you to the wonderful Marcia over at Learning Ideas Grades K-8. Marcia has a lovely blog and always brings a smile to my face. 
Marcia, thank you so much indeed. I am flattered and honoured!

Go and visit her blog if you haven't already.

Now, I'm too bad with rules so I've decided that I'm going to give this adorable blog award to all of you honouring the friendship that you, guys, have given me.
I really appreciate all of you so much!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my lovelies! xx

Getting Into the Holiday Spirit

On the first days of December. Something about these little scenes way calling me to shoot them.
Slowly but surely I'm getting into the holiday spirit. I'm not in a super Christmassy mood this year, but all those things...sounds, decorations, sights, lights and gatherings just make me feel happy inside. I love holiday songs, ah, this one tops the cake. Nothing like music of the season to get us in the spirit of Christmas. It's definitely an entertaining way to get into the holidays. I love classics and somewhat nostalgic Christmas music, Christmas Carols, and last but not least my all time favourite Last Christmas. 

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas and I can almost hear The Little Drummer Boy playing his drum...

Are you feeling the holiday spirit yet? What are you doing to get into the swing of it?

Happy Holidays, everyone! xx

I love The Creative Exchange by the wonderful Lisa.

P.S. The Little Drummer Boy is one I grew up with, I love it so much! This song was also the inspiration for a 1968 animated TV special by the same name.