The Orchids

I really like Orchids. The name comes from the Greek ορχις (orkhis), literally meaning "testicle", because of the shape of the root. {Source: Wikipedia.}

Orchis, was the son of a Nymph and a Satyr in Greek mythology. During a celebratory feast for Dionysus (Bacchus), god of the grape harvest and wine- Orchis drank too much and committed the sacrilege of attempting to rape a priestess, resulting in his being torn apart by the Maenads (Bacchanalians), followers of Dionysus- then the gods metamorphosed him into a flower.

Aah, I've always been quite fascinated by Greek mythology! xx


Crissi said...

Orchids are sooo wonderful flowers!!!
Have a nice Day

Kaipiroska said...

A beautiful and bloomy sequence :)

Liz Mays said...

Those are exquisite!




Kelly said...

Orchids are such elegant flowers and these are beautiful specimens, Betty!!!

TexWisGirl said...

interesting mythology. beautiful shots!

rainfield61 said...

Orchid is so noble.

Georgia said...

I can't get enough of orchids!!

Great pictures!

RobertN said...

Wonderful series!

Bitch said...

I like that you did the photography of the orchids really soft..
Yes, the Greek mythology is always fascinating..
Think of Zeus. To conquer a woman what he did to accomplish his goal:)..

Hugs from

Lasse said...

Wonderful photos Betty!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Considered by some here in England to bring bad luck, to be the flower of death, I do like orchids but have to say they aren't my favourite.

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Beautiful photos!

tinajo said...

It is a gorgeous kind of flower! :-)

Unknown said...

beautiful pictures. :)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

These photos are amazing.

I have to say I giggled when I read the Greek meaning of the word. I'm being very Junior Highish today, I guess.


Gaelyn said...


chica said...

Encantadoras orquídeas!Adorei!beijos,chica

Ioana-Carmen said...

beautiful, i have one on white ;)

Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Beth,
I'm enchanted by your adorable flowers, you did a gorgeous blur effect in these pictures and I LOVE them all!

Nevine Sultan said...

Orchids are such elegant flowers... but yours are especially so, my dearest!

And I ditto your amazement by Greek mythology. There is so much of real life inside those stories... how can one not be amazed?

I wish you a lovely week, my dear Betty!

Big hugs,

Tina´s PicStory said...

orchis must have been a beautiful man, if i see this wonderful orchids :) i have only 5 blossoms in the moment, but many bulps are coming :)

moni said...

Dear Betty,
I love orchids too, great pic, wonderful macros, amazing flowers!

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous flowers and wonderful captures! I particularly enjoyed the history! Greece is one of my favorite places and I got to spend some time there a number of years ago! Loved it! Hope your week is going well, Betty!!


Ellie said...

Beautiful shots of those lovely orchids. Fascinating story to go with the blog - I never new all that.
I also didn't know that was what orchid translated into - it did make me smile :))
You do learn something new everyday.

dennistheeremite said...

When I see pots of orchids in the store, I am always tempted to buy them for other people to grow. Those earthy ancient Greeks certainly walked about a living world. But we still have the Psalms that tell us to expect, at any moment, for the trees to clap their hands.

Anaximandro said...

Buen reportaje sobre las orquídeas. Las blancas son mis preferidas.
Un abrazo.

Fer said...

Preciosas fotos macro, unos enfoques excelentes, un saludo...

Anonymous said...

Such delicate and gorgeous blooms and your photography is perfect!

Anonymous said...

I love Greek Mythology. It is one thing that I love.
Wonderful photographs.
A hug and a kiss

Jesús Castellano said...

Que belleza poseen las orquideas, buenas tomas de cerca.


Lynn said...

Wow - he got to be a beautiful flower after all that.

Lois Evensen said...

Gloriously beautiful images.

MadSnapper said...

I love the "pieces of orchids" even more than the whole flower. beautiful photgrahpy

Sandy said...

I too, have always found orchids to be very beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful photography!

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

I like orchids and also roses.In my village,we had garden.I liked all the flowers.

Bob Bushell said...

Brilliant orchids, they are my favourite. The Greeks had a lot to talk about, names are one.

imac said...

Beautiful Macros, and love the info too.

Anonymous said...

Guess life can much learn from nature. Picture four is amazingly beautiful.

Leovi said...

Nice pictures ... surely these are sublime and exquisite orchids.
Un abrazo.

EG CameraGirl said...

You've captured the beauty of orchids well!

Ms. A said...

Your orchids are lovely! (I must admit I've never seen lovely testicles)

George said...

I'm constantly amazed at the beauty of orchids -- the colors and patterns. These are all gorgeous.

Linda said...

Such beautiful blooms! I love orchids but have never had any luck with them!

Chatty Crone said...

I have to be honest Greek Mythology always confused me a bit - but I love the many different colors of orchards. sandie

Reena said...

What a beautiful collection!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Orchids are definitely on my favorites list!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Orchids are definitely on my favorites list!

Hilary said...

Wow.. so pretty, Betty!

Cloudia said...

what a delightful post. you well show the mystery!

luv ya

Warm Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

> < } } (°>

darla said...

your photo's are gorgeous. i was looking on your other blog, trying to make some comments, but i can't see where comments are there. anyway, i like your photo's.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

A beautiful series of photos, Betty. I love Greek mythology, but I guess it's in my genes :-)

ritsa said...

Great pictures! Orchid blossoms are truly beautiful!

magiceye said...

wonderful work!!!

ZielonaMila said...

Beautiful photographs, fantastic and delicate flowers. I am greeting

Amin said...

Hello! Wonderful fllower photos!

Betty Manousos said...

ms. a, lol!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous orchids and a lovely series of images. I have always loved the Greek mythology too! Have a great day, Betty!

Betty Manousos said...

darla, thank you so much. actually i don't have a comment box on my photoblog.
i sometimes have a hard time keeping up...

Angel Corrochano said...

La suavidad y delicadeza que transmiten estos retratos de flores son espectaculares.
Un abrazo

BlueShell said...

Yes, dear, is all over the world...but it is sad indeed!

Those orchids are just splendid! I love those!

I am a teacher...and what do you do?



S. Susan Deborah said...

What lovely colours, Betty! Your penchant for detail is commendable. All the pictures look splendid. Did you use any special lighting?

And like you, I like Greek mythology as well.

Joy always,

Unknown said...

1. Orchids are fascinating
2. Your photos of them are a.m.a.z.i.n.g
3. Bizarre history behind this plant
((really, really appreciate the focus on your photos))

Subbu said...

Its so pretty and colorful orchids... Love your beautiful work with flower.
Have a nice day Betty :)

Nancy said...

Love the information about the name. I am becoming such a lover of orchids lately. Your photos are beautiful, Betty. :)

LadyFi said...

So very very gorgeous!

ANRAFERA said...

Preciosas fotografías, así como las Orquídeas que nos expones.
Interesante retazo el escogido sobre la Mitología griega.
Un abrazo.

dianne said...

Gorgeous images dear Betty, your orchids are so beautiful!
xoxoxo ♡

Carletta said...

A beautiful series Betty!
I especially like the dramatic look of the one with the black background and the framing of the last one.

Pat Tillett said...

Very pretty flowers, nice photos, and interesting info...

A Cuban In London said...

I love Greek mythology and knew a little bit about orchids. In Cuba we have a huge orchid park in Pinar del Rio, our westernmost province.

Great phtoos.

Greetings from London.

Ricardo Miñana said...

Muy bonitas las flores,
siempre es un placer pasar por tu espacio.
que tengas una buena semana.
un abrazo.

SandyCarlson said...


Georgia said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Farida said...

When I visited Singapore in March, we managed to visit the Orchid Garden inside Botanic Garden. They have numerous varieties of orchids in display and they are indeed gorgeous, like the photos you have in this entry.

Thank you for the meaning behind the word orchid. This entry was interesting!

Jenn Jilks said...

What a great post! Good info. My late father started growing orchids. These are lovely!
Greetings from Cottage Country!

Kmcblackburn said...

What a beautiful collection of p hotos! I've never tried to grow orchids, but I do admire them for their delicate beauty.

Leovi said...

Very interesting, really delicious. I never tire of returning to contemplate sublime beauty. A hug.

Gina Kleinworth said...

I am always so drawn in by the white ones & how smooth they are. So pretty!

Unknown said...

Wow! These are gorgeous.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love these pics - so beautiful!

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Awesome photography ~ very informative post ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Lisa Gordon said...

Wow, I never knew all of this about orchids Betty!
I have several phalaenopsis orchids, and I love the fact that they almost always bloom during the darkest coldest months of winter. It is so wonderful to have some color then.

Your photographs of them are fantastic!

michael said...

I love that orchids are totally no-fuss plants.
Yours are so beautiful!

ashok said...

superb shots...

Maria said...

Those orchids are gorgeous! Thank you for stopping by my blog!

Craver Vii said...

The background stuff is icky, but I still like orchids. For a long time, my favorite flower was the baby orchid.

Catherine said...

So beautiful - all of them! I bet they smell good too! :)

Anonymous said...

oh so very pretty! =)

Marijke said...

Your photography is brilliant Betty. I am so pleased to reed the background story of the orchid. I am also interested in Greek mythology. And it's a beautiful country.
Have a great weekend.
Big hugs marijke

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Interesting history of the name "orchid"...
Fine images of these beautiful flowers, Betty...

Blond Duck said...

I love orchids!

SquirrelQueen said...

Gorgeous photos Betty. Orchids are so beautiful and exotic it is only fitting they be connected to Greek Mythology.

rainfield61 said...

I am coming to collect some orchids again. said...

Orchids are so simple and complex. You've captured them beautifully, beautiful lady.

Happy weekend.

urban muser said...

beautiful. i love the soft focus!

Rick said...

Awesome shots of a very interesting and gorgeous plant. Loved #7 the most (creative dof).

Have a great weekend Betty !

Eden said...

Stunning shots.

Have a great weekend.

Nature Rambles said...

Fascinating story behind these gorgeous blooms! Loved going through this series of shots. And thank you for stopping by...:)

Teté M. Jorge said...

My God!!! What especial shots!!!
Loved all them!!!!

Nice Sunday and warm hug.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Maravillosas tus fotos como siempre.

Saludos y un abrazo.

Leovi said...

Wonderful photos, I like as it is a pleasure to revel in the delicacy of these beautiful flowers. A hug.

Anonymous said...

Your photos are really lovely!

Magia da Inês said...

Sou louca por flores.
Série de fotos artisticamente inspirada!...
Boa semana!

Diane AZ said...

Beautiful orchid images, each one is unique and delightful, I enjoy them all!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Betty, I love orchids --and enjoy reading about Greek Mythology.. Very good post... The orchids remind me of our trips to Biltmore where they grow so many beautiful orchids.


rebecca said...

betty thank you so much for your visit and kind words.
i love the idea of transforming wrongful acts into beautiful flowers.
what a lush paradise we would enjoy!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Lovely motive !

michael said...

wow, gorgeous photographs!!

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine said that Orchids bring bad luck, but I hope yours bring a lot of joy and happiness.

I really like your pics!!
Keep it up!

Just Be Real said...

Orchids are truly a lovely flower Betty. Thank you for sharing these photos! Blessings.

Randy said...

Betty, these are lovely. I like the soft focus in some of the shots.


Growing up, we always have orchids in our garden. My mom takes good care of it until now.

Lovely photos, Betty.

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. It also explains why the medical term for castration is orchiectomy.

geetlee said...

aaah, so much prettiness in this post :)
sending you wishes for a lovely week ahead

Blond Duck said...

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Liz Mays said...

I love the soft focus on these. Gorgeous!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

They are a beautiful breath of fresh air for sure!!!

I plant several in my gardens every year. Mine aren't up yet though.

God bless ya sweetie and have an amazin' day!!! :o)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...


CameraCruise said...

Beautiful shots of the wonderful orchids.
Wish you a wonderful day.

Unknown said...

Amazing photos....I learn so much visiting here. Those darn Greeks!

Blond Duck said...

Happy Wednesday!

anilkurup59 said...

"To be metamorphosed into a flower". Can there be a more worthy curse? How fortunate are the orchids!

Anonymous said...

Those white orchids are just GORGEOUS!!
Have a great day.

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Great pictures!
Orchids are wonderful!
Many greetings
Yvonne & Raphael

darla said...

those are all beautiful betty!