6 Things I Can't Live Without

On the Outskirts of Town.

Some random pictures for you today. I've been in a creative mood lately!
Street Lights.

Little Paper Lantern.

Polka Dot Lamp.

Well, I wouldn't call these all things, but here's my list:

*Family and Friends
*My camera
*All the little things

My computer. I'm secretly having an affair with it but hush, that is a secret!

What are the six things you could never do without? I'd love to hear. xx


Liz Mays said...

As long as I had my kids and my health, I'd call it good! :) Love your photos!

TrevorW�� said...

I think health is the most important thing....the enjoyment of everything else depends on it......


rainfield61 said...

It is quite hard to name them.

Your have a difficult question.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

My family and friends (I include my good blogger buddies such as yourself in this)
My crutches and Madge (my electric wheelchair) which provide me with some much needed freedom
And, in no particular order ....
Books and Chocolate (no surprises there)
My teddy bear, Bear Necessity, who goes everywhere with me.

Unknown said...

Love the photos! I can't live without Family, chocolate,and my computer. Oh and books! Love my books!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

wife, kids, camera, internet, teaching, health !

Sylvia K said...

With the anniversary of 9/11 today, it's a great day to focus on those important things that we don't want to ever have to do without! Mine are much like yours! For me it starts with my four beautiful children, my wonderful friends -- and that includes my blogging friends, my four-legged friend, Sam Schnauzer, the beauty of nature that I'm surrounded by and blogging and photography, that has brought so much joy and delight into my life. I could go on for a while and in realizing that, I do realize what a full and wonderful life I do have!! Thanks for the reminder, Betty!! Hope your week is going well!!

Unknown said...

Betty... nice to see you online again.
It is so good to have you back and share your beautiful photographs with us.
I did not know you had that problem with your arm but wish you all the best now, even if I am late.
I was not much on myself during summer, I had a lot to do, but now I am back again.
Keep in touch and share more with us.

Farida said...

Coffee or even just the scent of it, my family, writing and my alone time :)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

It's good to see your posts again!

I'm grateful for: Family/friends, health, job, home, food enough, and YES coffee!!!

Your photos are beautiful. Love them.


Cloudy said...

Mir gefällt was ich hier sehen und auch lesen kann, komme wieder ganz bestimmt schon morgen dann...

Lieben Gruß und genieße den Tag

Betty Manousos said...

...and of course, i include my good blogger fellows in this!:)

Momma Fargo said...

Great list, Betty! Love the pics! Have a great day, just stopped in to tell you I still read you and follow you each day!

Bitch said...

I love your creative mood!!

My list is:
Sleeping pills (ups)

Hugs and ♥♥♥

TexWisGirl said...

very pretty collection.

nature's beauty

Lynn said...

Family, friends, blog buddies, the Hiwassee River, books or Nook, Words with Friends. :)

Anaximandro said...

Unas imágenes muy originales.
Un abrazo.

Fer said...

Excelentes efectos, me encanta el color, saludos...

tinajo said...

Family, friends, pets, camera, computer and books (but in reality, I´d add SO much more to a list like that)! :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the light show, beautiful.
computer and number y is Electricity to allow me to use the things i love. that might should come first because without it i would be miserable. NO AC? yikes no TV no computer, no lights, no washer dryer. i had no idea how much i love

Bob Bushell said...

What wonderful lights, amazing, oh, I thought you would to know, your computer knows everything!!!!!!

Linda said...


What a great thing to think about today...thanks, Betty!

Anonymous said...

Precioso Post. Me ha encantado.
Un abrazo.

El rincón de Ceditas said...

Eso es saber jugar con la luz. Que originales!!!
Un abrazo

Betty Manousos said...

bob bushell, lol!:)

michael said...

my girl
and pizza!
Thanks Betty for the beautiful pics!

sky-blu-pink said...

Hi Betty, my list would be similar: husband, family, friends, violin, lip balm, knitting!

Sandy said...

The one thing I would most hate to not have in my life is LOVE. The love of my family and friends. The love I give & receive from my animals. My love of nature. Love...it is all encompassing.

Chatty Crone said...

I see that you love color and lights - I am so with you on that.

barbara l. hale said...

The photos are wonderful but I really, really love that paper lantern. My list would be a lot like yours as long as I could include my pets under family.

Leovi said...

Very nice, I love those night shots with delicious light sets.
Un abrazo.

Reena said...

LOL ... my list is identical and love love love my computer!

Ms. A said...

Family, computer, camera, coffee, pasta and naps. LOL! Although it's known to change periodically.

Trac~ said...

Hey doll! Love the post and your creative tendencies with the lights. :). Six things I can't live without:

Lipgloss/lip balm

May be more then 6 things but they were grouped in the same category so I included them. :o)

Hope you have a great week ahead!

Big hugs!

Cloudia said...

we share a list. Shhhh!

Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Declan said...

Hello nice to meet you! The 6 things I couldn't do without are....
Pigs Ears
My Sofa
My bed
My Mums

Deccy x

Joan Serinyà said...

Poéticas imágenes, muy bellas y personales. Te felicito! He descubierto tu estupendo blog y me hago seguidor! Un cordial saludo.

eileeninmd said...

Hi Betty, my six things are just about the same as yours.
Family( including my Goldie Girl)
Nature (this includes all the birds & critters)
Vacations ( I need my time off work)

Great post, I love all your lights and colors.
Have a wonderful day!

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

My list is almost the same.And my job.

Angel Corrochano said...

La luz lo es todo en fotografía.
Un abrazo

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL on your hush hush camera affair :-)

dianne said...

Beautiful colouful photos dear Betty, the night shots with the long exposures are great.

Friends including my blog friends
My cats

xoxoxo ♡

Craver Vii said...

Delightful pics! It's fun seeing how others responded, too.

Wow, only 6? Have you been talking to my 13-yr-old son? That's the kind of question he likes to ask, and I like to avoid.

My list would pretty much mirror yours. But if I think hard and go deeper, I'd have to say that I would eventually have to deal with the loss of each of them, and I will survive those pains. But ultimately, I cannot do without God's grace. I must be prepared to let go of everything else. If the Lord permits, I would like to continue enjoying close relationships and cool gadgets for a long, long time.

The rich colors and bokeh in the paper lantern photo are fantastic!!

chica said...

Ficou legal e adorei ver e saber disso!rs beijos,tudo de bom,chica

renae said...

Cool photos! Thanks for your comment today. I haven't seen you lately and it was nice to come see your site again. :D

Teté M. Jorge said...

Family, friends, nature, love and health!! Of course, the computer also because virtual friends are essential!! :))

Beautiful photos!! Very expressive...

Kisses with affection.

Amin said...

Hello! I agree with these comments!

ritsa said...

My list is similar.
funny, isnt' it?

Your photos are truly delightful.


Ellie said...

The things on your list is really what is on my list :))

Anonymous said...

Black Tea and Lemon
My Camera
My son, family
Please have a good Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Black Tea and Lemon
My Camera
My son, family
Please have a good Thursday.

Randy said...

I would have to say,

Magic Moments said...

Love the pics..wonderful lights..hugs

diane b said...

Love your creative shots. Six things:
Good health
House and garden

Jesús Castellano said...

Muy visual ese juego con las luces y los colores.


Cristian Lisandru said...

Thanks for your visit! All the best!

Anni said...

It was great that you took time to stop by my bird photo blog and leave a nice comment. Much appreciated.

I enjoyed your eclectic images in this post!!! Very much.

Six things I couldn't live without? That's difficult to say...you mentioned family, but since I've lost a lot of family members, I continue to live, so be it that they're MOST important, I must say life goes on even if I'm left behind.

I think I'd be terribly lost without electricity, water, food, exercising/walking....

I had to giggle with your 'affair'. LOL

Anonymous said...

So glad your arm is healing.

Lovely shots - the lanterns are so merry!

Pat Tillett said...

Nice photos! Let's see...
Good food
the desert
the mountains
the coastline
my cats

Nancy said...

As long as I have my Allegra (allergy meds,) I'm good to go. Thanks for sharing with us at YSB this week, Betty. xo

4 Lettre Words said...

A great list...and lovely shots!

I snickered at Nancy's comment above. (So true!) I'd go with my family, my cats and my camera. :)

Pat said...

Love your light shots!

Anonymous said...

Love that paper lantern, the colors are wonderful!

Linda said...


Anonymous said...

great list, except I don't drink coffee, so I'd replace that one w/ God! LoL! =0

lorik said...

I love the vibrant colour of these images! Stunning! My favourite is the third one.
As for my list.... similar to yours but I would put my computer a little higher.

Rosemary Aubut said...

Very interesting! I love them all! Well done!

Jenny said...

I love the shot of the paper lantern. Let's see 6 things I can't do without: 1. my husbie 2. my dogs 3. my family 4. great food 5. my garden 6. a nice pot of tea.

Emm said...

What gorgeous photos! You know, with us having so many hours of sunlight in summer, the biggest thing I'm looking forward to now is darkness and lights. Bright lights and candles and stars and Christmas trees.

What six things couldn't I live without? I try not to be too materialy bound so I would say sunshine, blue skies, forests, tall trees, beaches and the sea. I get incredibly gleeful when I am out in nature!

michael said...

Love those beautiful light shots:D
Great job on them!

Kevin said...

Hey...I've missed you!
Great lights!!:o)

KikiMo said...


Laura said...

Awesome fun lights!
Thanks for sharing with us.:))

Hey,Hey,Paula said...

Made me stop and think:
1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ
2. My Family
3. My Health, shakey as it is
4. My Friends
5. Music
6. My computer too (Hey, I gave up TV!

Anna Schafer said...

Beautiful colouful photos dear Betty, the night shots with the long exposures are great.ge washer repair