Five Likes Tuesday

Walking on the beach, taking photos around and enjoying the nice weather while it lasts!
I've been daydreaming a lot lately about taking a trip to New York, New York. It has been ages since I've last been to the Big Apple. (If only my bank account allowed it...)
Totnes town upon river Dart. Devon, England, UK.

While I was digging through my archives today I found this photo of the picturesque Totnes town. Totnes is a charming little town full of quaint shops and good restaurants. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon...
Devouring a bowl of warm, creamy and velvety-smooth pumpkin soup; I just made this today and it tastes delicious! I've always loved the beautiful deep orange hue it adds to the dish.  Oh, I love anything pumpkin! Don't you? Since it is officially October, which in my book means pumpkin soup (almost) everyday, I am going to make it again!...her mouth is watering already!;)
Good ol' fries.

Sometimes, I can't resist French fries. British people call fries "chips". Is there anyone out there that doesn't like fries?

What are your five favourite things this week? xx


RobertN said...

Beautiful post!

Daliana Pacuraru said...

Hmmm...I like fries...he he!
Wonderful journey!
My best regards from Romania!

rainfield61 said...

I hate flies, but fries is my favorite.

Cloudy said...

Fünf schöne Dinge der Woche, nun ja, da gibt es viele, doch eines ist für mich immer noch am schönsten...morgens erwachen und das Piepsen der Vögel draußen zu hören...

Lieben Gruß und Sonnenschein


I loved the photo 3. A past tense and photographed perfectly reflected


Unknown said...

Enjoy the sea and the beautiful weather while it lasts Betty.
I love all your photographs.
Old and new.
Have a beautiful afternoon.

Lois Evensen said...

Love the post. That pumpkin soup looks divine.

TexWisGirl said...

that 3rd photo even outshines the fries. :)

Bob Bushell said...

I'm not very good at eating french fries, I find them a bit tiny to be a CHIP. But, I do love the "velvety-smooth pumpkin soup", yummy yummy.

Leovi said...

Nice photos, the sepia excellent, delightful. A hug.

KrippledWarrior said...

Of course I love french fries, and the ocean and mostly I like you


Dear Betty
I love all your photographs!
My best regards

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes! I do love french fries! What fun great shots for the day! I also love NYC, but haven't been there in years. Hope your week is going well, Betty! Enjoy!!

Trac~ said...

Love the photos as always. Is that St. Patrick's cathedral? I used to work across the street from there for 4 years when we were in New York. I would LOVE to have your pumpkin soup recipe! I too LOVE any and everything pumpkin! (I knew we were BBFF's for a reason) :). Please share your recipe if you don't mind! :). And of course the fries - sheesh that is one of my major downfalls - those and any kind of bread almost. :). Thanks for the lovely photos. Have a great week doll! Xoxoxo

It's me said...

Lovely week

Diane AZ said...

The picture of Totnes Town, Devon is really dreamy and I too love all things pumpkin!

Giga said...

Ciesz się ładną pogodą i spaceruj po plaży, póki można. Frytki lubię, ale zupy dyniowej nie bardzo. W tym tygodniu będzie praca w ogródku i spacer z wnuczką do parku, lubię to. Pozdrawiam.
Enjoy the nice weather and walk along the beach, as long as you can. I like french fries, but not much pumpkin soup. This week we will be working in the garden and walk with his granddaughter to the park, I like it. Yours.

Linda said...

Love French Fries, not so much the pumpkin...lovely post!

tinajo said...

Oh yes - looove fries, always eat too many! :-)

Sandy said...

The sepia photo is beautiful. I love fries too...I think most everyone does.

Marijke said...

I never saw New York. I am an frensh frites lover. Not good for the figure but great for the brains, haha.
Have a wonderful day Betty.

Craver Vii said...

I like the picture of the kitten from your previous post. These days I've got my radar on for neat pet pics.

Pumpkin anything? I can identify with that. An amusing find last year was pumpkin beer. I thought I had a favorite, but found a new one that is even better this month. I don't drink a lot of beer though. I limit myself to 2 glasses, so that I can never be accused of having too much of a good thing. :-)

sky-blu-pink said...

Mmm -pumpkin! Fries, I like them occasionally as a treat. Devon is a beautiful county, next door to where I grew up, NY is a crazy place, my husband's parents live there. Five recent likes for me:
Pumpkins and vegetables galore at our church Harvest Festival. The church looked wonderful, we sang all the traditional harvest hymns and thanked the good Lord for His bounty.
Yesterday I took my school choir to sing at a tea dance for older people. Everyone loved it! The girls loved singing, and the audience, and the older people loved them!
At the weekend I was in Dorset to visit my Mummie, and we went to see The Mikado at our local theatre, fabulous!
One of my ex-pupils has set up a small Opera company. I went to see a performance of Dido and Anaeas last Thursday, a great evening.
Time for peace and quiet to just take a minute to reflect before getting back into the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the City.
Thanks for shaing, Betty!

wild rose said...

Ευχαριστώ για την επίσκεψη και τα ευγενικά σου σχόλια.Έχεις ένα υπέροχο blog!Οι φωτογραφίες σου,είναι μαγευτικές!
Καλό βράδυ!

Betty Manousos said...

trac, yep! that is st. patrick's cathedral!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this peacefulness you create. Please have a good Wednesday.

Ms. A said...

You KNOW how much I love your water shots, don't you? Beach... YES! The Totnes Towne shot and reflection is beautiful!

eileeninmd said...

Both the beach and a trip to NYC sounds very nice. I have never had pumpkin soup, sounds yummy. I can take or leave fries, they are not my favorite. The England shot is pretty, a very nice place to visit. I enjoyed your post, have a great week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the wave in the first pic, but that golden one above the soup is magnificent, stunning even. love the colors and the whole photo. no favorites tonight, hip is hurting see you tomorrow

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

I love french fries.I could eat them every day!You should visit New York.

Teté M. Jorge said...

Love coming here... that's spiritual place... thanks a lot.

Warm hug.

.✿*E LENA*✿. said...

Olá Betty!
Belas fotos!
Um belo dia você quiser!
Alegremente abraço!

hi-d said...

Yummmm...All this food is making me hungry. I love fries! And pumpkin soup? Hmmm...honestly, I don't think I've ever had any. It sounds good though.

Thanks for following me as well. Lovely photos by the way.

diane b said...

Photos are great for reliving great trips and memories.

Unknown said...

magic pictures-) !!!!
good morning-))

İlhami Uyar said...

very nice sharing,lovely

Angel Corrochano said...

Evocadora entrada. Pasamos por instantes maravillosos, extraídos de otro tiempo y nos terminamos deleitando con un buen almuerzo. Sensacional!!!!
Un cordial saludo

Lynn said...

I love fries, too. A client served me a large glass of white white the other evening, and I stopped and got fast food fries on the way home to soak up that wine. A good excuse for fries anyway. :)

I LOVE New York, too.

Hot coffee in the 5am hour.

An unexpected check that came in the mail.

And looking forward to Thai food after work with a good friend.

ANRAFERA said...

Personal entrada con retazos de tiempos vividos y gustos personales.
Que te vaya todo bien Betty. Un cordial saludo.
P.D.: A mí también me gusta mucho la sopa de calabaza, las patatas fritas no tanto -si son caseras sí-, pasear, estar con los amigos, familia...

Mari-Pi-R said...

Esta mañana he estado a punto de comprar calabaza, que bueno poder tomar una sopita de ella.
Me alegro que estés ya bien, un abrazo

Unknown said...

beautiful pictures!!!!!All of them.Yes i love fries very very mutch-))thank you

dianne said...

A lovely post dear Betty, I love pumpkin soup, in fact anything 'pumpkin' is good, I also like fries/chips occasionally.
I hope your dream to go to New York comes true soon.
xoxoxo ♡

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Betty--I sent you a note to be my Google+ friend....

That Pumpkin soup does look great... I too love anything pumpkin especially in the Fall of the year. One of my favorite seasonal and holiday coffees is Pumpkin Spice Coffee. YUM.


George said...

We have a hint of autumn now in the mountains of Tennessee, so I'm looking forward to autumn colors which is one of my favorite things. Of course, pumpkin soup is up there as well.

Anonymous said...

That beach shot looks so lovely!

imac said...

Great shots, love the old worldly look too.

:.tossan® said...

Inpressionate your photos. I like them very much. Beautiful shots! hug

carol l mckenna said...

Quite an eclectic photo connection ~ they are very creatively done ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Are We There Yet! said...

You made me hungry for Pumpkin Soup!! I love pumpkin also. Today I bought a lot of pumpkin seeds at Whole Foods that I put on my salads.

I was in NYC in June and will probably make a trip to see the Christmas lights in December.

momto8 said...

wow..what fun lovely photos!! i would like to be on that beach in that city and eating those foods!!!

Cezar and Léia said...

I'm so envious, here the weather is awful! :(
Glad that you enjoy such a wonderful day!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Olá Betty,gostei das fotografias e da sopa...Espectacular....

Craver Vii said...

I just noticed how darkly tanned your sunbather is. My ethnic background is reputed to have some color, but I'm the odd one... I'm almost luminescent!

flying eagle woman said...

I love ANYTHING pumpkin and I LOVE these photos.

Kevin said...

I love your photographs!!!

Linda said...

Fries! me some!

michael said...

I love that beach shot!
Good post.

ritsa said...

Fun post.

I love pumpkins! and fries!

Georgia said...

I like fries, journeys, and pumpkins!

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

What a soothing photograph!

magiceye said...

Lovely likeable collection of 'likes'

Crafty Green Poet said...

a lovely collection of things to like. Pumpkin soup is just wonderful...

akawest said...

Mmmm...pumpkin soup. Yes, I was drawn to the food, first. :)

Michell Pulliam said...

Love your photography and your blog! Following you now!;-)

Nancy said...

Beautiful photography (as always) and I've never had pumpkin soup -- but I have tried fries. :)

Anonymous said...

Love these pictures. Both New York and those fries look irresistable!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely photo of Devon! Can't wait to revisit New York.

Laura said...

Great Five!

Anonymous said...

Soup looks good, gotta make some this fall.
Abi K

Anonymous said...

I love your photographs!!!