Trance State

In San Diego Harbour, California. I was talking to a woman from the Tradition of the Moon-a kind of initiation path for women that works in harmony with the forces of nature.

"Would you like to touch a seagull?" she asked, looking at the birds perched along the sea wall.
Of course I would. I tried several times, but whenever I got close, they would fly away.
"Try to feel love for the bird, then allow that love to pour out of your breast like a ray of light and touch the bird's breast. Then very quietly go over to it."

I did as she suggested. The first two times I failed, but the third time, as if I had entered a kind of trance, I did touch the seagull. I went into that trance state again with the same positive result.
"Love creates bridges where it would seem they were impossible..."
I recount this experience here, for anyone who would like to try it.
(By Paulo Coelho)

This is a beautiful excerpt from Paul Coelho's book, "Like the Flowing River."
I wanted to share it with all of you because I know you will love it.

As promised, I'd also like to share this feel-good You Tube video with you all, showing two guys and a girl holding up signs that said "Free Hugs" in the middle of a crowded downtown street.
I have never experienced the "Free Hugs" experience. I'll be honest...I think I'd have to draw the line at hugging a complete stranger on the street, but I liked this video just because of the positive spirit it has.

I believe that hug, physical contact and intimacy are enough to assure us that we are still loved and that we are not alone...they remind us that we are all connected.

Hugs have healing power...maybe we should think about reaching out for a hug a day!

Hope you have a wonderful, inspiring weekend! xx

Linking to Camera Critters


A Cuban In London said...

Those first two photos are so beautiful. Loved them. And your post is so heartfelt. You're right, love is the key.

Greetings from London.

Bob Bushell said...

Oh yea, I think we all can do that, free hugs, I hug you.

Craver Vii said...

I'd like to think that if I saw such a sign as the one in the video, I would participate, and even try to get others hug as well. Sure... why not? Hugging is good.

But... this Tradition of the Moon business is another matter entirely. A person who proselytizes for any cult is an open invitation to speak the truth about the love of God in Christ. I would want her to know who Jesus is, and that she can repent and trust in him for salvation. In him, there is abundant life.

And then, if she was agreeable to it, I would give her a hug. :-)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Beautiful. And its not just the power of the human touch either, I've seen the holding of an animal produce amazing responses in the ill, the elderly and damaged children.

Sending you a hug today and every day.

chica said...

Adorei!!Lindo tudo!!beijos praino, quase no fim das férias,chica

Anaximandro said...

Fantástica toma, con un procesado muy acertado.
Un abrazo.

Giga said...

Miło jest się do kogoś przytulić bezinteresownie, tak jak to pokazano na filmiku. Pozdrawiam i przytulam się do Ciebie.
It's nice for someone to hold freely, as shown in the video. I greet and hug to you.

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

It's fabulous to feel close to a person by hugs but these feelings most times are instant and not permanent.

Mari-Pi-R said...

Tan solo tener fe, sentirlo y quererlo se puede logra infinidad de cosas, me ha gustado mucho el vídeo.
Un abrazo fuerte said...

I just watched the video, and I'm smiling. It's a very feel-good clip. Thanks, Betty.

More big hugs to you, dear friend.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

My entire Feb. blog is about LOVE.... But--we need that love and those HUGE year round, don't we?

Wow---neat story about touching a seagull... I need to 'feel' my birds so that they will let me feed them from my hand.

We finally got some SNOW this morning... Yeah!!! BUT--it was 10 degrees when I got up early this morning...


Sylvia K said...

Wonderful post and it is indeed all about love!! Have a beautiful weekend, Betty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad it worked for you, i have touched a pelican, but we were trying to get a hook out of its leg

Cloudia said...

thank you for sharing this; and for the hugs

Sending Aloha to YOU
from Honolulu,
Comfort Spiral
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Leovi said...

Very nice photo, delicious light, wonderful gulls. I like that experience accounts. Greetings.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

What an interesting post! Love really can do amazing things. I do believe that physical contact is very important to help us feel loved and connected. Hugs do have a healing power!

TexWisGirl said...

i love that you sent out feeling of love and they connected with your subject! bless you.

sky-blu-pink said...

Love your seagull story - birds are so wonderful!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

The meditation she suggested probably release all adverse energy and peace found its way back. I love peace. How cool.

Hugs to you dear, Betty.


DeniseinVA said...

That is a very beautiful way to make a connection with a feathered friend.
I am a big believer in the power of the hug. I have seen these type of videos before and after I saw my first one I was in Victoria BC and down by the harbor there was a lady with a similar sign. She got lots of hugs!

Betty Manousos said...

bob, big hugs!!:)

Betty Manousos said...

ah, craver vi, this is a novel by paulo's just a story of a lesson he learned about love. that's it.

Craver Vii said...

Thanks for the clarification. I misread the post. Please forgive me.

(extending my arms) Hug?

DIMI said...

Wonderful post Betty!I realy like your photos!Many hugs from me!!Have a great weekend my friend!

eileeninmd said...

It is an amazing story, Betty! Love the gull photos and the cute video! Sending {HUGS} your way. Have a happy weekend!

Betty Manousos said...

craver vii, no worries...
big hugs to you!:)

Nancy said...

I like the idea of connecting with nature in this way -- lovely post Betty!

Nevine Sultan said...

What an inspirational post, my dearest Betty! And what gorgeous photos, too! I hope your weekend is as delightful as the smile you've put on my face.

Big hugs to you!!!


It's me said...

Love love love ....enjoy your

ANRAFERA said...

Me gustan mucho las fotografías que nos expones y su buen tratamiento.
Abrazos y feliz fin de semana.

Powdered Toast Man said...

Can I use that strategy to pet a great white shark?

Blond Duck said...

Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Love the story of you touching the bird, very very cool.

Riot Kitty said...

Do you use Lightroom? Mr. RK just got that software and loves it. I love the color effect on the first one. Very peaceful.

dianne said...

Beautiful photos of the seagulls and lovely to read about your experience, yes, much more love in the world would be a good thing.
The video was filmed in the middle of Sydney's City retail area and near the Town Hall.
Hugs for you dear Betty
xoxoxo ♡

Liz Mays said...

I love how you described this!

rainfield61 said...

And so, would you like to touch a spider?

Betty Manousos said...

powdered toast man, lol!:)

Betty Manousos said...

hey, this is a story by paulo coelho and it is the author who has experienced least he said so in his book-not me!

Frases Bonitas said...

Happy weekend my new friend. Hugs and kisses

Tina´s PicStory said...

wonderful pics from the birds :) have a great weekend!

Phil Slade said...

I don't think our local gulls would welcome a touch, only a free meal. But I like the idea of the hugs Betty.

Vores have said...

Lovely pictures!!
Thank you for sharing) Hanne Bente

wenn said...

true, when you hug someone, you show compassion and love.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Great bird photos!

TrevorW�� said...

Great images....


Pat said...

Lovely post.

imac said...

Lovely shots, love the 1st .

Marie said...

I love the photos!

And I think everyone needs more hugs, definitely I need more hugs!!

Visiting via Camera Critters

SandyCarlson said...

Thank you for this beautiful post. Love the photography!

Chatty Crone said...

And a free hug to you too!

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love both of those images!

Our Critter.
I appreciate your comment as always..

anilkurup59 said...

A poignant post a, pictures and video.
The Gulls seem to be in total bliss. I might share the video on my fb.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shots! And giving out free hugs is a lovely idea.

Unknown said...

πω πω Μπέτυ μου,τι καταπληκτικές φωτογραφίες!!!!!Αγαπώ πολύ τα πουλιά,και το βιντεάκι...σκέτη απόλαυση
πολλά πολλά φιλιάαααααααα

Betty Manousos said...

riot kitty, no, i don't use lightroom. many photographers do.
it's a good photo editing software though; i have yet to learn about it;)

Lynn said...

Wonderful that could go into the trance state and do that! Love this and the photos. Big hugs!

Unknown said...

WOW! its amazing that you could reach out and touch the birds. Congrats!

George said...

The power of a hug has long been under-estimated. I've never encountered a free hug situation, but I think it would be neat to do so. I really like your photos.

ξωτικό said...

Πολύ ωραίες οι φωτογραφίες σου !!!!!!
καλή εβδομάδα.

Diane AZ said...

Lovely sea gull images and I enjoyed the except from Coelho's book and the video too. Thanks, have a great week!

Pat Tillett said...

Our local gulls are always on alert. We have a huge number of them and also a huge number of crows. They hate each other and the sky and ground wars they have are brutal.
Still though, I love the idea of touching one...
Great photos Betty!

Emm in London said...

I'm also a little wary of hugging a stranger in the street but if they were wearing a "free hugs" sign, I imagine I'd feel secure enough to do so.

Your story with the seagulls is incredible, as are your photos. Very inspiring Betty!

Hilary said...

Lovely photos, Betty. Yours always are. I love the hug theme happening here. I'm just a tad confused as to whether this conversation and experience about touching seagulls is one that you had or if the whole thing, along with the quote is an excerpt. In either event, it's a amazing thing.

LindyLouMac said...

Thanks for your recent visit and comment on my own blog, just calling by to have a catch up here now. As always some lovely photos.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

A hug from my honey or kiddos definitely makes my day brighter!

magda said...

Μπεττούλα μου αγαπημένη,
Πειράζει που κλαίω με το βίντεο; με συγκίνησε πολύ!
Είναι παρήγορο να κάνεις μια αγκαλιά με αγάπη άδολη, ανθρώπινη!
Οι φωτογραφίες σου με τους γλάρους, είναι πανέμορφες, συγχαρητήρια!!!
Σου στέλνω μια μεγάλη αγκαλιά, γεμάτη αγάπη και φιλία!
Και πολλά φιλιά!

:.tossan® said...

A concert poster, text and photos magnificent! hug

Blond Duck said...

Have a wonderful weekend!

michael said...

Great story of the seagull.
Wonderful pics. My favorite is the B&W.

I will be sure to check on the book you mentioned.

Elia said...

Felicidades por tus fotografías,
me gustan mucho ^^


ritsa said...

Great post Betty!
Much love:))