(Of Course) You Matter

The majority of us lead quiet unheralded lives as we pass this world. There will most likely be no ticker tape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor. But that does not lessen our possible impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have a potential to turn a life around. It's overwhelming to consider the continuous opportunities there are to make our love felt.

Leo  Buscaglia.

Orthodox Christians (The Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches base their Easter date on the Julian Calendar) celebrate Easter this Sunday, May 5th.

Hope you have a wonderful, inspiring weekend (and I wish everyone that celebrates a Happy Easter!)

Have a great one, and here are a few wonderful blogs from around the Blogland. xx

Ignis Fatuus: The Foolish Fire. How interesting!: Pen and Paper

How about some Old Steam Engines: Mad Snapper

Teresa, one of my beloved writers: Journaling woman

Winter Leftovers, fantastic photography: The Smitten Image

Once upon a Missouri Trip: A Nut in A Nutshell

I love those Duck Reflections!: The Run*A*Round Ranch

Hawaii Inspirations: Comfort Spiral

Escape Britain: Cruises from the UK: Emm in London


dianne said...

Wonderful and inspiring words, the smallest and sincerest act of compassion, kindness and caring can cause a ripple effect and bring happiness and hope to so many people.
Have a lovely weekend dear Betty.
Hugs and kisses
xoxoxo ♡

Sylvia K said...

I love the quote by Leo Buscaglia!! Inspiring it is indeed! Thank you for sharing and what a great start for my weekend! And I hope you have a beautiful one as well! Laugh, love and enjoy, Betty!!

Hilary said...

Aww thank you, Betty. You're such a sweetie. This weekend will be just a little bit sunnier because of you. Thanks for that. :)

Kelly said...

True and inspiring words!

I hope you have a lovely weekend, Betty. :)

Pat said...

Great words to live by! They sure warmed my heart today! My husband and I heard Leo Buscalia speak in Chicago a long time ago. He was magnificent! Thanks for sharing this today!

Elizabeth Anderson said...

Wishing a beautiful weekend for you Betty!

A lovely thought to bring into this bright and sunny weekend. I live with intention but I'm always amazed how randomness plays a major role in what happens in life.

I was at a medical clinic waiting to have my surgical dressing changed. An older gentleman was also waiting. I struck up a conversation with him and we chatted until my turn came up. As I was leaving he thanked me for talking to him. He explained he lived alone and didn't get to talk to people much. His words expressed his gratefulness. I was a bit overwhelmed not expecting that the small act of friendliness would mean so much.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, you are so sweet! thank you, dear betty. blessing to you today and every day.

Reena said...

Isn't that the truth! Simple acts of kindness can transform one's view of their surroundings. Have a great weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i believe every word of this quote. and try to do it, but sometimes fail. thanks for the mention today and I like this mannequin..

Cloudia said...

Wow. This post is a strong nostrum. Thanks for mentioning my Hawaii blog in that illustrious list, B

Love You, economist-miss

Lynn said...

A kind word to someone can just make their day - you never know. Thanks for the reminder, Betty. And have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

have a wonderful weekend!

Bob Bushell said...

I believe that, a noble idea Betty. Love your woman, she is delightful, lol.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Betty, Great words by Leo Buscaglia... We sometimes don't think we are relevant at all, do we? YET--we truly do matter!!! Yeah!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for your kind words about my blog post.

Our Neck of the Woods said...

What wonderful words! I believe it is so very true. It reminds me of the quote - "To the world you may only be one person, but to one person you may be the world." :)

Hope you have a great weekend, Betty!

Anonymous said...

A great post. Wishes for a pleasant weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this interesting post. Your picture keeps my eyes !
Happy Weekend and Happy Easter back !

California Girl said...

I like your sentiment and I love the photograph.

George said...

Thanks for the interesting quote and links. I hope you have a great weekend.

Leovi said...

Awesome ....! Magnificent smooth and clean picture with sepia tones! Un abrazo!

Ms. A said...

I hope I matter. Unfortunately, unless I can find out after I'm gone and missed, I doubt I'll know it while I'm living! LOL!

If you are celebrating Easter, Happy Easter!

Chatty Crone said...

What do you mean Orthodox Christians celebrate this Sunday as Easter? Can you teach me about it? And I remember Leo and his love. We all want to be loved don't we? sandie

Anonymous said...

In the little details find full happiness.
Lovely Post.
Hugs and kisses.

Rick said...

A lot of truth and wisdom in those words - especially about the impact our words and deeds can (unwittingly) have on others.

When we're gone, few will remember what we said or did but rather how we made them feel.

Have a great weekend, Betty.

wenn said...

yes to the power of smile and kind words..


Very inspiring. Will check out those links too.

Happy weekend! :)

DIMI said...

Beautiful words dear Betty!!I also like those duck reflections!!!Καλό Πάσχα καί Καλή Αναστάση μέ τούς αγαπημένους σου!!Φιλάκια!!

Riot Kitty said...

I will check them out! Paid tickets in my honor would be scary.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely quote, Betty! I wish you a very happy weekend too.

chica said...

Lindo,Betty! Que teu fim de semana seja maravilhoso! beijos,chica

Diane AZ said...

A truly inspiring quote, Betty! And I must say that I am mesmerized by that pattern on the clothing. Have a lovely weekend. :)

sky-blu-pink said...

What lovely words! Always worth remembering should we wonder if we make a difference. Happy Easter Betty! Kalo Pascha!

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Olá Betty!
Excelente postagem!
Tudo de bom!!

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

Happy easter full of joy!

Liz Mays said...

Thanks for the link up my dear friend. I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love those words from Leo Buscaglia. Didn't know about the Orthodox Easter, thanks for sharing. I also follow three of the people you listed and I will check out some of the other links.

diane b said...

Very true words. We are doing a talk at U3A tomorrow so I hope I will have made a difference to someone.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

In a world where we increasingly hear more about the bad amongst us than the good, it is those who are full of compassion and love for their fellow man that renew my faith in humanity.

Wonderful words as always Betty and thanks a million for the mention. x

Betty Manousos said...

sandie, i would love to. here's an excerpt from wiki. In applying the ecclesiastical rules, Christian churches use 21 March as the starting point in determining the date of Easter, from which they find the next full moon, etc. The Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches continue to use the Julian calendar. Their starting point in determining the date of Orthodox Easter is also 21 March, but according to the Julian reckoning, which currently corresponds to 3 April in the Gregorian calendar. In addition, the lunar tables of the Julian calendar are four days (sometimes five days) behind those of the Gregorian calendar. The 14th day of the lunar month according to the Gregorian system is only the ninth or tenth day according to the Julian. The result of this combination of solar and lunar discrepancies is divergence in the
date of Easter in most years.
many orthodox christians in the usa, greece, uk and other places of the world celebrate jusus' resurrection on sunday, may 5, 2013.
hope this helps.

Magia da Inês said...


Às vezes, tudo que quem está ao nosso lado quer é uma palavra de incentivo e carinho.

Ótima semana!

Victoria said...

hello..such a beautiful blog..fantastic post! LeoB is an amazing soul. Thanks for your kind visit..
I love your gorgeous realm of imagery here..lovely to meet you and your blog!

Betty Manousos said...

victoria, hello and welcome on board! your kind words are much appreciated:)

KrippledWarrior said...

I do, consider my life as being better off having found you

Nevine Sultan said...

My dear Betty, I do hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Thank you for sharing the very profound thoughts of Leo Buscaglia... such a brilliant knower of human consciousness! It's always a delight to stop here and linger a while. As always, this visit was a pleasure. I

wish you a lovely week ahead.

Happy May to you, and big hugs!


yonca said...

Very inspiring! Love it! Thanks, Betty.

Unknown said...

μπράβο Μπέτυ μου!!!!Τόσο αληθινά τα λόγια σου!!Προσπαθώ και εγώ να τηρήσω τα πιο πολλά
Πολλά φιλιά και Χριστός Ανέστη!!!!!!!

Gail Dixon said...

The Buscaglia quote is so very true. Thank you for sharing these wise words. Hope you have a great week!

Riitta Sinikka said...

♥ ♥ ♥ Hugs xxx Riitta

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Oh my goodness, I love you so much, Betty. Even, if you hadn't given me a shout out - the love is there.

Your photos make me drool in a creative way -- not the messy kind. :)

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

I went to a Greek Easter party last night. It was great fun.

Be well, Betty.
Hugs to you,

Craver Vii said...

That's okay if we have different calendar days for Easter. East or West, we all (Christians) celebrate the Resurrection every week. :-)

He is risen!

Ida said...

Okay after that last comment I would think you would want to delete that one.

Anyway your post was lovely and I like the photo you had to go with it.

Theresa Mahoney said...

We certainly all do matter! We all have someone who loves us and would be devastated if we were no long here. Beautiful post!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Perfectly said! Each of us make a contribution to our world!

Unknown said...

...grandi verità, cara Betty,a volte poche parole seguite da un piccolo gesto sincero, donati col cuore, e tutto pensato con un sentimento di compassione e fratellanza, può esercitare un effetto vasto di felicità e speranza negli uomini...buona settimana..Bacio...

Pat Tillett said...

Very nice words! Thanks so much my friend...

Fer said...

Buena foto y estupenda entrada para este día, saludos...

:.tossan® said...

Beautiful composition sepia. I love the writing. hug

Nancy said...

What an interesting shot -- I had to look twice to be sure it wasn't a real person. :) Happy Weekend dear.

Wendy Annabeth said...

These blogs are fabulous! Thanks for sharing :)

michael said...

I really like that quote by Leo Buscaglia.

So true!

HansHB said...

Great post for the theme!

SandyCarlson said...

Good, satisfying food for thought. Your blog is beautiful.

Dragonstar said...

Thank you for linking to 'The weekend in Black and White.'

Your post is though-provoking.

You show a good photo, but we don't accept sepia entries for the Challenge. Please join in any time you post a black and white photo.

Mandy said...

Awww, thank you so much for linking to me. You're so right, it is so important to connect and to make people feel special.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful inspirational piece =)

Mrsupole said...

I had written a comment and then I watched my computer eat it up. I almost felt like crying. I guess I can try a shorter version.

I think that what Leo Buscaglia wrote here should be framed and hung up inside every house or building in the world. Maybe it will help people to realize that we are all just as important as any famous or rich person out there. And all the children of the world will hopefully understand that they are all remarkable in their own way.

I too never knew about the different celebrations of Easter. I love learning about so many different things from everyone.

Thank you for sharing all of this with this weeks Theme Thursday. May you have many beautiful dreams this week.

God bless.

Georgia said...

Great quote and photo.
Thanks for sharing with us:-)
