Good and Lovely Things

Hello everyone! Hope your holidays were safe, happy, and full of great memories. Make this New Year your best year yet!
new year's resolution card
This might seem like a good thing! Ah, resolutions are usually difficult to stick to. Don't you think?

As we entered the new year, I've decided to make only one resolution. My resolution is to stay committed. Stay committed to my (attainable) goals. Stay committed to my dreams. Stay committed to things that will further my photography projects. Stay committed to the things I love and value.
So my word that I want to focus on for the year is commit. Truth be told, without committing, we can't achieve anything.
Shortbread Cookies. {Get the recipe for Shortbread Cookies.}
 Shades of pink.
Tiny pink flowers.

Green Herbal Tea. Instructions on how to make herbal green tea using your Herbal Green Tea Kit here.
Pale Pink Roses.
Ah, the first sip of coffee in the morning...
Keeping a journal.
French Macaron. The most adorable treat.
One of my fave quotes about life.
Practicing healthy eating habits.
Cozy cafes.

Interesting Vintage finds.
Winter through my window.
Morning light on roses.

Valentine's Hearts.

I love this! What a sweet Valentine's Day gift idea!

Hope you have a great weekend! xx