Blown Away! - A Big Thank You

OMG! It's my SITS Day!! I am so excited, deeply touched and honoured to be today's Featured Blogger! I am blessed to have met these wonderful women, the SITS girls, "The Secret is in the Sauce" through my blogging journey.
The ladies over at SITS are absolutely fabulous! They have built a fantastic group of women based on the great idea of supporting each other through commenting and their wonderful motto is:
"The Secret in Success is Support"! And they are featuring me today!
 Love you SITS GALS!!  A big "Thank You" goes out to you!
I love the concept of this community, and the support that we offer each other.
For those who don't know, "The Secret is in the Sauce", ( SITS), is a blog site made to connect women bloggers everywhere.
It's kind of big deal, they have SITS conferences and everything!
You should definitely check them out! Do yourself a favour!

If you're visiting from SITS, you already know how important that is and Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
It has been a privilege to get to know some lovely, hilarious and wonderful women.
I still have so many of you to discover.

To all my SITS tahs: A big Thank You to you all for your supporting and presence!      
Feel free to browse around and get to know me better!

Here's why I need to stay motivated.

Thank you so much for making my day so special!

Have a blissfully happy day! xx


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vickie said...

Happy SIST Day. Just added you to my favorites. I loved reading your blog, it sounds like we also have a lot in common.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

bubbleboo said...

Congratulations on your SITS day! Great blog :D

Vickie said...

Happy SISTS Day. You have a fun blog. I'm a follower!

Christine said...

New to the SITStahood and your pretty little blog! It's so great to see what others are up to. I hope you'll take a minute to visit me too!

All the Best!

Melissa Haak said...

Happy SITS day! I love the photography!

Shell said...

Happy SITS day!

I love your post about your motivation. I wrote something like that today, actually. :)

Enjoy your day!

Rebecca said...

Happy SITS Day!

Momma Fargo said...

Super star! Congratulations! I think you are truly one of the kindest souls in blogland and you feature great posts! Love and hugs to you!

Tiffany said...

Happy SITS day!

Eran said...

Great photos and great commentary! Loved perusing your blog :)

Cynthia said...

Lovely blog. Congratulations on being the SITS fb. Off to read more.

Jayde said...

Congrats on your SITS Day!!

Anonymous said...

Love SITS and your blog is just lovely... I am so in "fairy land" when I enter a book store... I honestly want my home to be in a book store in the future! Hope you had a great SITS day!

Alissa said...

Congrats! :) LOVE the roses picture, absolutely gorgeous. I've been reading through your blog and it is FABULOUS. I will be back for sure :)

Nevine Sultan said...

Oh my God, Betty! What an honor that is!!! And you got so many comments, I hope you'll find me in the melee. Congratulations on such recognition. You must be over the moon! I'm so so so happy for you... Truly!

Big hugs,

Wendy said...

Happy SITS Day!!! Can't wait to read more about you - I agree with what you said about this wonderful community of women - I am really happy to have found you all!

Wendy said...

Well, I was trying to type my URL but wow..guess it's been too long a day!

Preston said...

Congratulations on your SITS Day In the Sun! You've got a nice blog going on.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

V.D. said...

Happy SITS day! I too have a love of writing and photography so I'll definitely be re-visiting your page!

Best to you,
-Victoria D.

Teresa said...

Hi! Thanks for the follow! I am now following you as well :)


Unknown said...

I love Cut and Dry, she has great posts and is always so thoughtful in her comments. You know she has read and understood your posts.

congratulations and well deserved. xx

Unknown said...

PS I don't know why it posted as Laura but I wanted you to know it's me Vodka Logic. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your special day. Your blog is lovley

Elizabeth Patch said...

Happy Happy Happy SITS day to you!

Almost Crunchy said...

Congratulations! Love your photos!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures here, congratulations on your SITS day.

Mama Up! said...

Congratulations on your SITS day! It's lovely to meet you!

Christie@MommyDrinksBecauseYouCry said...

Congrats! What an honor. You are so right, the SITS girls rock! You lucky girl you!

Kate said...

I'll add my congratulations to all the rest, happy SITS day to you! What a lovely blog, I look forward to having a good old browse :)

Eve said...

YAY! Happy SITS Day! :)

JackieA said...

Happy SITS Day, sitstah! Blessings going your way!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day. Love the pictures on your blog.

Kita said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

Lan said...

Hello! Congrats on your SITS day! I'm looking forward to checking out more of your blog. :)

Joanna B said...

Happy SITS day! Looking forward to browsing through your blog!

Shawn said...

Congrats on your big SITS day!!

Great blog----so fun!

Ally said...

CONGRATS!!! Enjoy every minute of it!

Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

Sarah With Scissors said...

Happy SITS day... off to explore your blog. I LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY!

KDC Events said...

Congrats and Happy SITS!!! I am new to SITS and looking forward to getting to know lots of great women!

See Mom Smile said...

And may I be the 244th person to say Congrats! Your blog is lovely.

Unknown said...

Happy SITS feature day!

Life is more about the journey, than the destination & planet B sounds great!

Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

happy SITS day! i'm a writer as well and i love the name of your blog!


mama of 4 said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!!
I am in love with your photographs :)

Erika said...

Congrats on your feature day!!!!

Vee said...

Happy SITS day to you!! Hope you enjoy!

Morgan Hagey said...

Oh! It's your SITS day! Congrats! How awesome!

Nicole Renee said...

Happy belated SITS day to you! Can't wait to get to know you better

Cyndy Bush said...

I hope you had a wonderful SITS day! Congrats!!

Dawn said...

Happy SITS day!
I, too, LOVE photography! Can't wait to have a look around!

Melissa Papaj Photography said...

Happy Happy SITS day!

Kathryn said...

Happy SITS day! You're photographs are truely inspiring!

Melissa Papaj Photography said...

I can't comment on the other post, so I guess I will comment here agin...I love the pic of the grizzlies on the road...I have a similar one on my blog a relatively recent post ago of an encounter with a grizzly in Yellowstone. It was AWESOME!

Jessica said...

First time your blog (thanks to SITS!) and I've enjoyed browsing. Though not a photographer, I would love to be and I love writing as well. Fun! Congrats and thanks!

Pria said...

Happy SITS day to you ..hope the day was all you asked for and more ..
am off to read more ..congrats again !!

Amy said...


Glad I stopped by.
You rock.
Plan to visit again.
Congrats on being a featured blogger at SITS!

Come on by after you shuffle through your hundreds of comments. I'll leave the light on for ya. :)

Missy said...

Congrats on your SITS day!! How exciting!
Thanks for the flowers. =)

Unknown said...

Good Morning Betty.. Now understand why you are so much loved and honored in here.. It is not done by chance.. its because your blog is one of the best I have seen and all your posts, either in writing or in pictures are so nice and perfectly done..
You deserve every prize and honor you get...
I have not seen more responses and comments on a single post so far.. and now I know how hard is your task to answer and thank all your friends who have posted a comment in here..
Keep it up like this .. we all love you..
Have a nice day... Costas

Nicole @ said...

Congratulations on you big SITS day!!

chasity said...

happy sits day to you....

Kerri said...

I'm a day late, but happy SITS day!!

Caio Fern said...

hahah!! 211 comments !!
how come !
. oh Betty , i am so happy for your success !!
but now i even forgot what i would say !!

kisses !!

-Sam I Am- said...

Betty!!!! I'm back :) how i've missed you and your blog!

Cindy / Aka Chymecindy said...

Congrats dear!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to seeing more photos- I'm following you k=now- stop by my place when you get the chance ;-)

The Blonde Duck said...

I'm so glad you're the SITS girl today! You deserve it!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Congrats on your special day. I'm sorry I missed it!

Erin said...

Your photos are spectacular! I am glad I picked your blog as the first one to comment on as a SITSta. Congraulations! Erin

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Happy SITS day Beth!

SquirrelQueen said...

Congrats Betty, you definitely deserve such recognition. SITS sounds like fun!

Have a great day,

Trac~ said...

Happy SITS Day my friend! Hope you enjoyed your day! :o) Big hugs! xoxoxo

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Congratulations Betty and thank you for the TIP. I sure will visit their blog. :-)

Sweet greetz!

Kim said...

Congrats on your big day! I so hope that you are enjoying all of this love that we are throwing your way.

I am loving your blog and am now following you as well.

The Misplaced Midwesterner

Baby Sweetness said...

Happy Day after SITS day! Just an extra comment for the morning (OK, night...) after!

Traci said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! I love you and your blog and I'm so glad that the SITS ladies know it, too!

Enjoy your moment -- you deserve it!

Jamie said...

Stopping in from Friday Follow. Cute blog! I've never heard of SITS Day, but I'm kind of new to some of the blogging. I'll have to check it out

Anonymous said...

Awww! So sweet..congrats to you!

Returning your follow! Have an amazing weekend!

Halley said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am your newest follower.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Photography and Writing are two of my passions as well!

Yellow House Knits said...

Thanks for stopping by the Yellow House! Congrats on your feature! Lookinjg forward to reading more of your blog. Have a great weekend.

Life Is A SandCastle said...

Following Back from Friday Follow, looking forward to your posts:)

$uper $avin' Momma said...

Hi there, follow you back from Friday Follow! Have a great weekend!

Cathy ♥ Snow White's Blog Shop!

Mamarazzi said...

i am still catching up, congrats i hope you enjoyed basking in the comment love!

Drahdrah said...

Congrats on your SITS day ! Hope you enjoyed it !

MariahSmile said...

Happy [belated] SITS Day! Enjoy it all over again!

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