Have a Blissful Weekend!


Wow, it's March! Spring is on its way, I hope with February out and March in. Let the countdown to Spring begin.
I feel that Spring is almost ready to burst out suddenly. You can
hear the tiny leaves rustling inside their buds. Another two or three almost weeks I reckon and suddenly it will be new life 
everywhere, again.
And this is such a breathtakingly cute puppy!  Don't you think? 
I'm inspired by this photo. A little inspiration each day not only 
brings a smile, but open us to unlimited possibilities...

So, here's to Spring! I'm sending you all lots of positive vibes.

Have an inspiring, sweet weekend, my darlings! xx

(Photo via acidcow)


Anonymous said...

That pic brought the biggest smile to my face, what a sweet cute face;)

Have a well rested, awesome weekend my wonderful friend;)

3 hungry tummies said...

While you are looking forward to spring, I'm trying to embrace autumn and the colder months after that :)
A very cute photo indeed, putting a big smile on my face before I go out and deal with the world haha.

TS Hendrik said...

That was just the picture I needed to see. It should start getting warm here in a day or two. My soul is sighing after spring.

Anonymous said...

You have a great weekend too!

Erika said...

Such a great photo. I CANNOT WAIT for the weather to turn!

Sam said...

Great picture -- so excited for Spring! Have a lovely weekend as well! :)

Hissyfits & Halos said...

That's such an adorable picture!! Hehe!

The sunshine was in full effect, today! I can't wait till Spring hits in full force! :)

Tami G said...

LOVE the pic and yes... BRING ON SPRING!!!!!!!
pleeeeeease!!! :)

Naqvee said...

all the best for new season and new charm that comes along with it! I sincerely wish that all the worries of your life vanish away when the first magical flowers bloom and collect the first clear dew drops !

I wish that you can enjoy each day with same excitement as u used to do when you were a small kid, i wish that you progress in finances, health and relationships.

I wish that you never get jealous of others success just like the pretty flowers of your garden out of which some smell good and others dont have a fragrance to spread but are equally beautiful!

i wish that you achieve great heights and your way be as beautiful as the paths of the spring fields and your journey in life achieves a smooth movement

All the best


Christina's Hearts said...

I love this picture...I love dogs! Great blog...I'm your newest follower.

SquirrelQueen said...

Aw, what a sweet dog.

Have a fantastic weekend,

A Mother Always said...

oh Goodness.. Look at that tongue.. I feel as hot as she? is..

it's a heatwave here.


Cheri Pryor said...

Oh, he is too adorable!! Love him!! Hope your weekend is restful. I am working. Yuck!

Claudya Martinez said...

I needed positive vibes today. Thank you, Betty!

I'm a full-time mummy said...

Lovely pic!

Thanks for following my blog, I'm your follower now! :)

RA said...

I am ready for spring. Thanks for giving hope and putting a smile on my face.
Have a wonderful week end! :D

Momma Fargo said...

What a happy pic! Perfect for spring. We are in the middle of a wet spring snow storm right now. Thanks for brightening up my weekend! Have a great weekend yourself!

Just Be Real said...

Ahhhhhh..... adorable. Ditto to you. Blessings.

my little expat kitchen said...

I love this photo!

Anonymous said...

I thought the dog was getting married in that photo!


The Old White Barn said...

This dog photo is exactly right to inspire spring! Thanks for stopping by - I'm now following so I can keep up with all the fun things you're doing!

athina said...

Spring is coming.I hope we have good weather the next days.Have a funny weekend!

mia maria said...

I love the photo! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Sweet picture of the dog!

Following you back from FF..

septembermom said...

That's an inspiring photo for me too! Thanks for the smile. Enjoy your weekend :)

Nevine Sultan said...

And a beautiful weekend to you too, Betty! :-)


Beth in NC said...

Oh, I love that photo! Thanks for sharing with us. We will have the heat wave of 55 degrees here today. Yay!

Happy Saturday!

Caio Fern said...

this is mt favorite color of cocker spaniel !!
have you too a lovely weekend and all the best for the entire spring , Betty !!

Tracie said...

That is an adorable picture! I have Spring Fever in the worst way.


Betty Manousos said...

Awww, as I can see, everyone has Spring Fever !!
Spring is..round the corner!

I think that what Secretia already said
is absolutely priceless!!!
Yes, that dog looks like is getting married!! Hehe!

Sandra Wilkes said...

May I borrow your dog photo? I have a March post coming up soon and I would love to use (reuse) it. "Reuse, renew, recycle." LEt me know. I don't steal! :)....from people I know. LOL.

Alice in Wonderland said...

I loved the photo of the dog! It is very much like an oil painting that I have called "The Collie's Birthday", where the dog has a wreath of flowers around his head!
I'm pleased that Spring has finally sprung! It just has been such a long Winter!
March winds, and April showers, bring forth May flowers, is a saying that we have around these parts of the country.

Anonymous said...

I know most of the US is ready for spring and melt from all the snow. But I am dreading spring. Yeah thats right I said it. LOL! Spring for me in Arizona means the 4 months of triple digit temps are on the way.

Love the dog! Is he yours?

Pres. Kathy said...

Have a wonderful weekend!

English Rose ♥ said...

Yay spring means its almost summer!

Merci beaucoup for the lovely comment darling =]

Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x

Sarah RDH said...

If a dog were in a wedding, this is what that dog should look like. This totally looks like a flower-dog.

David Macaulay said...

cute dog - is he yours? That must have taken ages to set up

yonca said...

What a beautiful pic! I can feel spring now:) Have a wonderful weekend!

KrippledWarrior said...

Darling? Were you talking to me? I get called a lot of things. But Darling is among my favorites. And a great weekend to you Tenderheart.

Mike Minzes said...

What a cute photo!

Spring is coming!!! yay!!

David Macaulay said...

Thanx for your kind comments on the blog, Betty - yep, he's so cute. will get pics up soonish
have a great weekend, David x

MaryRC said...

Spring is in the air for sure. Love it!! Yay spring!

Viva La Fashion said...

hahaha. that picture maade me smile. so cute. :)

Anonymous said...

What a picture of the lovely Cocker Spaniel to say hi spring!
thank u Betty

Αgeliki said...

ooops thats me

Felicity Grace Terry said...

I love red setters, they are so stupid but in a wonderful carefree way.

Unknown said...

My friend Elizabeth, have a wonderful Sunday! I love this dog:)

PopisK said...

WOW,cute dog! Happy Sunday!;)

Brian Miller said...

that is the most amazing pic...love the flower laurel and the long dangly tongue. thanks for stopping by...i will be back as well.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Oh I am envious, no spring for es here in UAE :-(

Lovely photo, made me smile and miss my lovely dog back home.

Enjoy the spring Betty and send us some virtual beautiful flowers of the spring. Have a nice weekend.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Awwwwwww, that's certainly a grin inducing pic!

Anonymous said...

spring has arrived here for sure!

Lisa Anne said...

I love that photo. That has to be the best Spring photo I've seen yet!!

layers said...

yes dogs can be so unabashedly happy-- for the smallest reasons-- we should follow their lead-- will welcome spring with open arms

michael said...

I love spring and that dog!

Georgia said...

Thanks for the smiles!

love lives in the kitchen said...

here in milan we already had some nice spring days but cold is back again... since friday we have been freezing! i hope that this is only the last desperate attac of winter.
have a sweet day,

Unknown said...

What a beautiful pic of a dog.
Yes Spring is round the corner.

Unknown said...

What a fantastic photo, a sweet dog! I had a great weekend, thanks! I hope you did too!

Frantic Holly said...

What a great photo! It does inspire me to think of spring and all the warmth and love.

Chapters From My Life said...

I was tired and drooping until I saw that pic Betty.. I can always count on you to send me some good vibes...

Maude Lynn said...

That picture made me smile!

English Rose ♥ said...

What gorgeous pictures, such an inspiring post darling

Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x

Adaptable Kay said...

What a great picture!! LOL How adorable is that pup :)

I agree with you, though, I FEEL Spring ready to slap us in our happy little faces any day now. Lol

I can't wait!

Pat said...

That photo brought a huge grin to my face. Of course, the two glasses of wine that I downed before getting on line probably helped a wee bit, too!

JRonson said...

Oh this one is so beautiful *.* nice blog

ruma said...

Her loveliness is emphasized still more by a beautiful crown.

Hear Mum Roar said...

That is such a happy, beautiful photo

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

Yes, that is a cute dog--made me smile too!

Congrats on your SITS day!

Library Cat said...

I nearly cried with joy when I saw this picture. Huge dog lover and what a sweet face!

Roz said...

Hi and thanks for stopping by my blog to follow.....I'm your newest follower of the many that already do! Love the photos that you've posted, they give me peace and serenity! Take care and I'll be reading your posts! Roz (aka bella)

Unknown said...

Love the photo!