Uplifted + Have a Blissful Weekend!

Hello, my dears. Got to say I missed you all. My friend Elena asked me the other day. How do you forgive that? How did you survive that?
So today's quote is: "Didn't know I had a choice..."

No one can depress you. No one can make you anxious. No one can hurt your feelings. No one can make you anything other than what you allow inside. 
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.
Anytime someone is trying to break my spirit down, I just remember this quote. It really does help me to get back on track emotionally.
Tomorrow I'll go shopping and maybe I'll buy a Smiley Face T-shirt and a pair of high heels.
Life is good after all!

My lovelies, hope you have a happy Easter weekend! xx                   



Skies are blue...what a wonderful world? Every time I feel sad or mad, I surround myself with beautiful things. One is looking at photos til I feel good again. I buy magazines with lots of photos. I look at sites with heavy visuals. I felt good looking at your wonderful photos now.

Nancy said...

I'm sorry that someone is trying to make you feel anything other than happy, joyful, grateful or self-confident. I feel sorry for these people. They obviously have some deep-seeded problems of their own.

Your photos are gorgeous. Go get that hug and know we all think you are marvelous. :)

MadSnapper said...

that quote is so true. sorry you are having something in your life that needs you to forgive, that is a hard thing to do but is healthy if we can. your photos are beautiful and my very favorite of this collection of blue skies is the middle one with all the benches. love it. and thanks for my hug and here is one for you. HUGGGGG

Betty Manousos said...

sandra, a Bearhug to you! xx

Joop Zand said...

These sky picture are really beautitfull Betty.... i wanna have more of it.

Have a happy easter !!

Lots of hugs from holland, Joop

Anonymous said...

May your weekend be as wonderful as you are dear friend :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Betty, Your pictures are definitely uplifting... Love the sky ones --but those sunset ones just took my breath away... GORGEOUS...

Have a great weekend.

David Macaulay said...

have a great weekend Betty and hang on in there.


T. Powell Coltrin said...

Prayers and blessings over you, dear Betty.


Jenny said...

beautiful photos :D i love the clouds and how they look!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like sky

FilipBlog said...

Nice sky and clowd pictures. But difficult to shoot.

Erin Bassett said...

Gorgeous photos!!

Linnea said...

Your skies are all wonderful...can't decide which I like best. Enjoy the weekend.

Anonymous said...

That quotation is so true - but oh, so hard at times not to let others affect your feelings.

Thanks for sharing these many marvellous skies! And thanks for your kind words on my blog.

Bobbi said...

Beautiful pictures!!

Ms. A said...

Have a happy and blessed Easter. Love, love, love the black and white! (love them all)

Bitch said...

Watching at the sky is always giving
us inner peace!
Send to you me best wishes for a
very good Easter.
Always your friend

Betty Manousos said...

my lovelies, you all just made my day or actually my week, as i'm sure this warm feeling that i have from all the comments is going to last me for many more days. x

Ruth Hiebert said...

Thanks for sharing all these beautiful images.Have a fabulous weekend.

Nevine Sultan said...

Oh, dearest Betty! I will take these lovely photos of open skies with me this weekend as I try to relax after hectic hectic hectic days! And I will thank you for sharing them as I remember them.

Wishing you the loveliest weekend, and a Happy Easter, my dear!

Big hugs to you,

Rebecca said...

Ahh thanks for the mini vacation. Loved those pictures! Stunning! Have a joy-filled weekend!

Kelly said...

Your "sky" photos are all just beautiful!!! There is something so calming and peaceful about photos like this.

I hope you have a lovely, Easter weekend, Betty!! Hugs to you!

Fábio Martins said...

Amazing pictures. Great job :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Betty, your skies are so beautiful. I adore the second photo.

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!


flying eagle woman said...

"just want to share a best friend hug" Oh Betty my dear...isn't the internet a marvel? I have never met you in person and yet I feel I know you...I may never get the honor of shaking your hand of hugging you but each time we "meet" I have a little bit of a brighter smile than when I got here. I so hope you're going to have a wonderful weekend to rejuvenate and find a moment of bliss.
Your pictures are beautiful as always. You have the most beautiful spirit.
Hugs and smiles to you today my friend!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this escape into peacefulness.

Please have you and yours a wonderful Easter weekend ahead.

Leovi said...

Magníficas, son todas tan bonitas y espectaculares que no se con cual elegir. Pero las puestas de sol me seducen. Un saludo.

George said...

Your sky pictures are fantastic. Seeing scenes like this is always uplifting and I hope your spirit is lifted up as well.
I hope you have a very Happy and Blessed Easter.

gayle said...

Beautiful pictures! Happy Easter to you!

Anonymous said...

Life is good.

Happy Easter Sunday to you all.

Red Nomad OZ said...

Those sky shots are sensational! And although we're on opposite sides of the globe, the sky - especially the clouds - is the same!

Have a great Easter break, my friend!

EG CameraGirl said...

Impressive collection of sky shots, Betty!

Elaine Yim said...

Wow, such splendid skies captured in your lens. Have a memorable Easter!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

As always thanks for these stunning photos. Sending virtual hugs your way, best wishes for a hoppy easter week-end.

Samantha said...

Breathtaking skies and wonderful quotes..have a very good Easter. :)

Daliana Pacuraru said...

Wonderful images, Betty!
Have a good and blessed Easter!

dennistheeremite said...

Love your cloud picture, and your quiet harbors, and hope that you maintain a quiet harbor in spite of the storm.

Mike's Travels said...

I love the variety of shots!

KrippledWarrior said...

And a very Happy Easter to you, pretty lady. I have always been a proponent of not letting the opinion of others be more important to me than my own. I think the current pop culture term for that is DRAMA. Love your pics, your thoughts, your blog and your style. Talk to you soon,

Lifebeginsat30ty said...

:( Or my favourite: sticks and stones may break my bones...

Quite moody and reflective pictures. I will be looking for future ones with blue sky and rainbows ;)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I really want to go out and enjoy a sunset now!

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Very beautiful post!!!! Thanks for sharing all these beautiful photos!!!

KikiMo said...

Happy Easter weekend!!!

Beautiful pictures as always!

Magia da Inês said...


• ♥♥♫° ·.

( ),,( )

Ryan said...

Stay happy and keep smiling Betty, life's too short to worry about someone elses opinion. Happy Easter.

Regina said...

Happy Easter. Such gorgeous skies!

Happy new week ahead.

Anonymous said...

♥Nice post.) Love your blog.))♥

Pat Tillett said...

It's clear that something is trying to eat away at you! Hang in their Betty...
These photos are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you're dealing with negativity in your life right now.

This resonates with me "There is a story behind everything, behind every person..." It's something I've often said/thought myself and it makes reading blogs so interesting, too.

Hope you're enjoying the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Adorable photos, and great blog.

Life is good!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your photography is beyond incredible. I am now following, love your site =]

ritsa said...

Hope you're having a great Easter!!

ritsa said...

Those sky pics are super awesome!:o)

Randy said...

These photos do put a smile on my face. I saw something over the weekend that I want to try and live by everyday. It read " Today I will be as happy as a little bird with a French Fry."

StarTraci said...

How beautiful are the pics but so much more so are you! I have missed you and am so pleased to peek back by and find Comments On so I may send love. You are uplifted and always remember that you literally have friends everywhere and therefore you are never alone.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

I really needed this beautiful post right now. Thanks, dear Betty.
Hugs to you,

Emm said...

Awww, Betty. It sounds like you've been through a rough time. Stunning photos! I still have that top one (or one very similar) as my desktop background at my work.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

First time here, so don't know the background story. But do know that your pictures are stunning. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Loved your sunset/sunrise photos. Absolutely wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky pictures!

SKIZO said...


ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

I had never thought these landscapes!These seems to come from heaven.


wonderful images, hugs back, i hope you're ok

Sérgio Pontes said...

The photos are very nice

Georgia said...

Nice images!!!