Romantic Gesture

Aren't you excited for warm sunny days and spring flowers? 
Speaking of I love these fresh flowers, they really do lift spirits  and definitely help brighten my mood.
I'd love to have these flower photos hang around my house with beautiful frames.
Say it with flowers. Sending flowers tell our loved ones, friends,
family how much we care about them. Flowers can also convey
such a wide range of emotions.

Think about it. One day. Unexpectedly. A big bunch of pretty flowers shows up on your doorstep.
Suddenly, you realize that someone is thinking of you!
What a special feeling! Flowers say it all.
...and remember. When nothing else will due say it with flowers.
I do love to get flowers, but I have never sent a man flowers.
I wouldn't think of giving flowers to any man. At least so far!

Would you ever send a man flowers? Would men really appreciate
getting flowers from us?

What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear. xx                                                                          


Ms. A said...

Can't say I've ever considered giving flowers to a man.

Personally, I like to see them growing, they last longer. Once picked, they wither and die. I hate to watch them die.

magda said...

Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
Πολύ ωραίες οι φωτογραφίες σου και τα όμορφα λόγια σου!
Έχω δεχθεί πολλές φορές λουλούδια, από τον άντρα μου,από τα παιδιά μου, από φίλες, αλλά επισήμως δεν έστειλα ποτέ σε άντρα. Πολλές φορές στην γιορτή ή στα γενέθλια του συζύγου μου, βγαίνω στον κήπο , κόβω ένα τριαντάφυλλο και του το προσφέρω.
Ωραίες χειρονομίες, ομορφαίνουν την ζωή μας!
Πολλά φιλάκια

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Beautiful pictures of the flowers.

Thank you very much Betty!

Rui Pires - OLHAR D'OURO

Betty Manousos said...

ms.a, couldn't agree more! :)

Pétales de fée said...

The flowers sometimes speak better than us! And I have already offered flowers to a man, as a sign of welcome, he was very touched!
Nice day to you!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I don't think men would appreciate them as much as we do.

they'd prefer and smooch or a shag I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

May your life be filled with flowers.

The Blonde Duck said...

My husband is allergic, so he wouldn't appreciate it!

Red Nomad OZ said...

I once gave a man flowers as thanx for doing me a favour - he didn't quite know what to make of it, but liked the gesture!!

Unusual OZ wildflowers are a great choice as they're unisex - and last a long time!!

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

I love spring flowers!Unfortunately I haven't garden in order to grow them.
Only men should send flowers to women.

Samantha said...

For me, nothing says 'I love you' like the delivery of a brown box from my favorite nurseries. :)

Nancy said...

I've picked flowers for my husband many times. :)

TexWisGirl said...

i sent a bouquet to my husband once. but only once.

Liz Mays said...

No, I probably wouldn't send a man flowers. I might buy him a tree or something like that, but not a bouquet.

MadSnapper said...

my two sons and my hubby would really hate getting flowers, not sure about others but my dad would have had a fit. i would not waste my money on flowers for my men.

ritsa said...

It would never cross my mind to send a fella a bouquet.

ritsa said...

Oh, those pics are very beautiful!!

ritsa said...

Oh, those pics are very beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

I've never sent a man flowers. I know my hubby wouldn't care for them and, since I'm married, what other man would I send them too? Lol!

Lovely pictures--you've made my morning coffee time that much more pleasant :)

Joop Zand said...

Hello Betty

again lovely flowers with nice colors....well done.

warm greetings, Joop

Anonymous said...

something magical about this time of year...lovely photos my friend

Tara said...

Gorgeous flowers...I don't think I ever sent him flowers. I am not sure he would really appreciate it. LOL!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Very romantic and so apt for this time of year.

I can't say I've ever given a man flowers or chocolates come to that. That said I did once make Husband dearest a daisy chain, does that count?

Anna said...

You must live somewhere where it is warm and the flowers are growing. I'm in the Pacific NW and it's been cold and rainy and not much is blooming yet. It's fun to see your photographs and dream . . . Thanks for sharing them.
Anna - Portland, OR

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love all these cheery flowers,just perfect for the rainy day we are having here.I would never have thought to send flowers to my husband,as he would have considered that a waste of money.He was the most loving man I know,but did not send flowers.He showed his love and romance in so many other ways,I didn't even miss the flowers.

Elizabeth Anderson said...

Your lovely images make me long for warm summer days in the garden. I've never sent flowers to a man either. My husband received flowers at his retirement and he loves them but also loves for me to care for them. ;)

allie k reid said...

Nice photos! Thanks for linking up! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Betty, Gorgeous flowers... They always make a person SMILE.... I seldom buy flowers though since we have a yard full of them (thanks be to God)....

My man loves flowers (especially Roses) --but don't think he'd appreciate getting some as a gift or thought... He loves to GIVE them to me...


Kelly said...

Fresh flowers can be very uplifting! One of my children gave me a beautiful bouquet for Mother's Day that I'm still enjoying.

I've never given my husband (or any man) flowers, but I think he would like to get a flowering plant that he could put in our yard. He often gives me things like that rather than fresh cut flowers.

Pat Tillett said...

I'm more of a card person. I think flowers cost too much. Especially because they are going to die soon.
I do think they are beautiful though...
Nice pics Betty!

michael said...

I think men would prefer manly things and not girly ones.

michael said...

Btw those flower photos are really stunning!;)

Bitch said...

Beautiful flowers from your camera,
my dear Betty!
And a good question too.
No, I would not think to offer flowers as a gift or gesture to a man...
And from the other hand, really why not?
Anyway, I love that your posts are
always very interesting!!

Send you my love!!!!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I've sent flowers to my hubs!

Bobbi said...

I gave flowers to a boyfriend once. I'm not sure he enjoyed them as much I did.

Your photos are beautiful as always!

George said...

These are beautiful flowers, and they do deserve a frame on the wall.
I try to bring in a rose bud for Betsy each day.

Bob Bushell said...

I think that men don't want flowers as a present, but, they are into growing them. They love them to grow, and handle gently.

flying eagle woman said...

Hm, I think I WOULD give a man flowers, if I picked the right one, he would thoroughly appreciate them:-) for instance, my husband of 30 years "appreciated" the Snickers bar I brought him whenever I went to the store for 20+ years. FINALLY, one of my sons asked him, Dad, do you LIKE Snickers bars? He said "no" son asked "well why do you keep eating them?" "because she keeps buying them!"
Your pictures, as always are stunning my friend!

Pat said...

I LOVE getting flowers, but unfortunately, my husband doesn't give them too often! I wouldn't consider giving HIM any based on that fact! I guess it would depend on the man!

Hilary said...

Your photos and flowers are just lovely. I can't say that I've ever given a man flowers but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't. Mostly likely I'd get a flowering plant.. something he could nurture and watch grow, rather than just look at for a few days. :)

Betty Manousos said...

sandra, i totally understand what you mean. i think men would not really appreciate flowers, they'd rather have a new tie or toolbox! :)

imac said...

Real flower power.

Leovi said...

Beautiful flowers, with an interesting texture and color. Arouse pleasant sensations. Very poetic.

Betty Manousos said...

kimberly, lol! anonymous, thank you! :)

Fábio Martins said...

Beautiful flowers. Good regists said...

Those colors are gorgeous.
I have given flowers to a man before, and it was a waste of money.

Claudya Martinez said...

My husband loves gardening so I'm sure he would love receiving flowers. Perhaps, I'll send him some. Thank you for the idea.

Nevine Sultan said...

I'm very old-fashioned, I have to admit! So, I would never ever give a man flowers. Now, I don't mind receiving them, anytime!!! My husband comes home every Friday with a lovely bouquet of flowers for me... and it is my moment of highest joy when I see his face with the flowers tucked in his arms and he's smiling at me. Oh, joy!

Yes, my dearest... you're so very right. Flowers do say it... in more ways than one!

I love every single one of your beautiful photographs... and I send you a huge bouquet of flowers!

Big hugs,

Diane AZ said...

Gorgeous flowers! What a great question...I haven't given a man flowers yet...maybe it depends on the man...and perhaps a flowering plant rather than cut flowers if he likes to garden.

P.S. While I was typing this comment the doorbell rang -- a florist with a bouquet for my neighbor lady! :)

wenn said...

simply awesome flowers!

Cloudia said...

thank you for the flowers!

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral




Unknown said...

Good series, with some photos very light and very colorful. 've portrayed all the power and beauty of spring.
Greetings .-


I got roses from my staff last Valentine's day. First time for me to receive flowers (coz my girlfriend usually sends me books). Felt happy receiving it (I must admit I blushed. Haha).

...and flowers in the house take away sickness too. That was my mom told me, and I guess it's true because seeing it lifts our spirits.

The Blonde Duck said...

Happy Wednesday!

McGillicutty said...

Lovely lovely friend once sent her husband a bouquet of chocolate flowers, he loved it!!!!
Thx for visiting my blog....have a great day!!

helena said...

I have given men flowers and they were well received. I take them as a hostess gift often but choose carefully when my 'hostess' is male

Cheryl said...

Hi Betty,
thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my sweet shot. Looks like you like to take pictures of flowers as well. Your photos are equally as lovely.

And to answer your question, yes, I have sent a man flowers before...LOL, my husband for our anniversary. Roses at that.

Clear Crick Cottage said...

Hi Betty :)
Beeeeutiful flower photos, my dear!! Nothing better then light pink geraniums and snapdragons in the springtime! I loved wondering around your blog, and especially enjoyed your trip to London...what fun that must have been! Your architechtural photos are really very good. How exciting that must have been. I look forward to future visits here. :)

Men and flowers? Nope. I find they consider flowers a waste because they "simply die after spending all that money" (outwardly). Inwardly, I think they might appreciate the attention of a single rose ...something minimal. :) My hubby gets glowered at with every birthday...I never get flowers, so I must grow my own. He's militant that they are a waste of money - he is SUCH a sentimental soul. ha.

Thanks for your kind comment and dropping by my Cottage today!
Sherilyn Koss at Clear Crick Cottage

Magia da Inês said...

Olá, amiga!
Amei ver flores tão suaves, coloridas e bonitas. Adoro flores no jardim. Gosto de plantá-las e de cuidar delas.
Tenha uma linda noite!
Brasil °º♫
º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

Ray said...

Nice shots!

Rick said...

These are great shots, Betty - what a variety, and great colours !

You're right that flowers can say it all, but maybe more so for a woman than a man. Can't say I've ever received any so not sure what I'd think - I prefer seeing them in the wild, or in the garden.

Have a great rest-of-the-week !

Betty Manousos said...

aw, nevine, that's so sweet! :)thank you!!

Betty Manousos said...

petty witter, how lovely!!

Ryan said...

As a man I must admit, I'd prefer it if you sent me a box of chocolates rather than flowers. Mmmm chocolates.

Anonymous said...

Of course you can send a man flowers. But I prefer to give books.

Your shots are wonderful!

ANRAFERA said...

Congratulations, Betty, for these nice photographies full of precious tonalities and natural beauty.
A cordial greeting.

Mary Ann Pickett said...

I don't think men appreciate them as much as we do. Or do they? There is a saying in France that any man carrying flowers is handsome (I agree with that!).

Olga said...

Once I sent a man flowers. I was fifteen and he was sixteen. He remembers about it after thirty years. Beautiful photos, by the way:)

Liz Mays said...

Yes, they're brightening my mood too!

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Thanks for linking up to Simple Pleasures today. Flowers are always welcome. I'm a flower chick, for sure. They always make the day better and, good thing for me, The Man often brings them home for no reason. As for giving a man flowers, I never have and don't plan to, but hey ... whatever floats your boat, huh?

Georgia said...

I really love flowers, they make me happy!

Anonymous said...

I've given men flowers... but on the whole, I prefer to give books.

What lovely shots!

Georgia said...

I love fresh flowers. They make me happy.

The Leader said...

Awesome blog! Feel free to stop by and follow me back at as well as link up with Friendly Friday Follow

dennistheeremite said...

You have some great photos here. You can almost feel and smell them. You friends comments about cover it. I like and grow flowers, but am not serious about how my house looks and flowers would be lost in the rubble. For the money other gitfs would be better, maybe food or a DVD/blueray. I think I will watch Beowulf this weekend.

Emm said...

Lovely photos Betty! I never realised how hard it was to photograph flowers, so I appreciate your great shots!

I have never sent Ste flowers, I buy him biltong (South African dried beef) when I want to spoil him.

BPOTW said...

Beautiful colors! So vibrant and bright.

Mary Ann Pickett said...

Lovely. Following you. Thanks for all the beauty!!!

Georgia said...

Men consider flowers a waste of money. Yup. I just know it!

Your photographs are very, very lovely!

victoria eugenia said...

Preciosas fotografías de estas flores. Mis felicitaciones.