Sunny Days

So, I decided to enjoy the day outdoors today. What I plan to do is to go outside for walks on the beach and take my camera along with me.
I just want to soak up the sun as much as possible and enjoy the chilly sea breeze running through my hair.
Summer will be just around the corner once more. Again!

I thought I'd post something to truly bend the mind at all kinds of angles. A good and refreshing diversion after a hectic week at work.
I really need to step away from the computer and find some inspiration today.
What are you up to this weekend, dear friends?

Hope you have a wonderful one, my darlings! xx


ANRAFERA said...

Refrescantes y agradables fotografías, Betty. Bonito lugar el que nos acercas.
Feliz fin de semana y un cordial saludo desde España.

Lifebeginsat30ty said...

This is where you live?!? Sooo jealous! I miss the ocean :( Lovely to see all of the blue and water though :)

Bitch said...

My soul follows your footsteps...
My mind is there...
Very refreshing photographs...
Have a very nice weekend!!!

Joop Zand said...

Lovely pictures Betty.....nice place to live.

greetings, Joop

Magia da Inês said...


A primeira foto é um show à parte... eu a chamo de penas ao vento... simplemente maravilhosa.
O conjunto de fotos é realmente refrescante... o mar... sempre o mar.

°º✿ Brasil
º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

Nice photos!Some people have already started going to the sea.Have a relaxing day!

Emm said...

I love this post! Your first photo especially caught my imagination, as I am certainly missing my swimming pool in South Africa.

Summer is definitely on the way!

MadSnapper said...

I love all beaches first, then trees and wooded areas. what a wonderful way to spend a day. I feel like I was with you and can almost smell the clean air and sunshine

TexWisGirl said...

i could almost hear the lap of the waves with your photos. just beautiful 'azures'. :)

magda said...

Τι υπέροχη βόλτα στην αγαπημένη μου θάλασσα, με τις θαυμάσιες μπλε φωτογραφίες σου Μπέττυ μου!!!
Γέμισαν τα μάτια μου ομορφιά !!!
Σ ευχαριστώ πολύ για την ωραία βόλτα!

George said...

I think you found some great inspiration when you took these pictures. The color of the water is gorgeous and it is so clear in your second photo. but I really like the three beach photos at the bottom of your post. They are all fantastic.

Anonymous said...

amazing photos as always my friend :)


Anonymous said...


Have a great weekend!

Nevine Sultan said...

I'll be leaving in a couple of hours to go outside and enjoy the great outdoors myself! These are days of perfect weather, and very soon it will be too hot. But, too hot means... The beach! I can't wait for that... but that's later in summer, for me.

Your photos are so very refreshing, my dear sweet friend! And they make me look forward to a beautiful day outside and a lovely summer season.

I hope your weekend is just gorgeous! Have a good one!

Big hugs,

FilipBlog said...

It looks like a very nice beach, where is it?

Joe Cap said...

Wow those are gorgeous photos! I am so jealous!
I hope you have a great and wonderful weekend!

Ms. A said...

If I had something like that to look at, I just might go outside! Jealous!

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Estupendas todas las fotos...

Saludos y un abrazo.

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely seascape Betty.

KrippledWarrior said...

Thank you for the great pics, Betty. I grew up near the coast of North Carolina, and 22 years of Naval Service kept me in touch with the sea. I do miss it greatly sometimes. And that Jay-bird in photo #1 is having a bad hair day, huh? =)

Kelly said...

I'll admit I'm not a beach person, but your photos are gorgeous, Betty!! The varying shades of blue in the sea and sky are spectacular!

Family visiting this weekend which should be nice. Hope your weekend goes well, too!

Leovi said...

Frames in this fantastic beautiful natural environment with a delicious and fabulous light blue sea.

imac said...

Always love sea scapes my friend, well captured.

Samantha said...

After this crazy week of storms, I feel better just seeing your photos. Just stunning!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this escape. Spend meself, many hours at the playground - probably as peaceful as your sight.
Please have a good Sunday you all.

Anonymous said...

We're having a lovely weekend. Spent some time with old friends today which was wonderful! Hope you're having a great weekend too :)

Don said...

Lovely pictures. Clicking to enlarge made them all the more enjoyable.

Happy Spring!


Hilary said...

Oh these scenes are gorgeous. I feel rejuvenated just looking at them.

Linda said...

Wonderful work...
Have a great Sunday!

Nancy said...

Thank you so much to joining up with us at YSB this week, Betty! These are wonderful photos of a beautiful, restful place. I would love to join you for a walk on that sand. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, lucky you having this gorgeous beach and blue blue sea nearby!

Rain here - but had fun anyway!

Liz Mays said...

Oh, that water is just so magnificent! said...

Those blues and greens of the water look so serene.
It's raining over here (in CA) now.
Glad you enjoyed the sun, sand and sea!
Hugs, Betty.

Bobbi said...

I'm so jealous! I'd give anything to live by the ocean and go to the beach whenever I felt like it.


Pat said...

The water looks very inviting in these photos!

Teresa said...

Those pictures are just what I needed on this cold and rainy weekend. Such bliss!

Cloudia said...

really nice!

Thrilled to be BACK-

Warm Aloha from Honolulu

Comfort Spiral




Anonymous said...

Beautiful water! The color is amazing!

Great shots!

Unknown said...

Since it is raining here, I am enjoying your photos!! Following you from the Pink Dandy Sunday Blog Hop!~Lisa
I am all a twitter about life

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Gorgeous beach shots! Enjoy your inspirational time:)

LBB said...

Oh I so want to be in those shots right now!! So beautiful!

Marisa said...

gorgeous beach..lovely shots !

Corinne Rodrigues said...

Betty - Cut and Dry is my blog of the week! Thanks for being such a wonderful blogger!

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo series about a beautiful place. I wanna be there! :)

Rick said...

These are especially inspirational photos, Betty ! It's been raining here for 2 days, and the forecast calls for rain for THE NEXT 5 DAYS !!!

The colours in these are beautiful, and it looks like the people are really enjoying the sun ! Hopefully your coming week is less hectic.

KikiMo said...

Lovely photos, nice place to visit.

Unknown said...

Oh, I miss the ocean so much! We have not been on vacation since 2004. I got sick and became disabled and its been a struggle just to pay the bills let alone a vacation. Maybe one day.....anyhow, I came over and followed your also thru GFC. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. I appreciate it.


Angel Corrochano said...

Gran blog, te felicito, y una entrada fresca y alegre.
Gracia spor pasar y comentar en fotos que importan

Un cordial saludo

Red Nomad OZ said...

Oh, so loving the summer pix as we head into winter downunder in OZ!! But, all I have to do is head north - and it'll be magically warm and sunny again!!

The Blonde Duck said...

I really want to go to the beach!

diane b said...

Lovely summer shots. The sea is a beautiful colour enough to relax any mind.

imhkki said...

beautiful place, great captures

Veronica Lee said...

Hi! I'm a new follower of your awesome blog on GFC.

Have a nice day!

Ms. Becky said...

It's a pleasure to meet you Betty, thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm enthralled by your photos, especially the first one of the bird against the blue, and the third of pier. it's so moody and introspective, I love it. the shadows are splendid! I hope you have a grand week.

Unknown said...

Lovely weather and relaxing photos. =)

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm following you back now too. Happy Monday!


EG CameraGirl said...

What a great place to enjoy the outdoors!

Darlene said...

I feel like I've just had a little vacation! Thanks!

MadSnapper said...

the color of the water is magnificent

Unknown said...

Beautiful! Love the top shot, the bird really pops up against the lovely blue.

betty-NZ said...

Lots of lovely angles and scenes!

Amy said...

Lovely pictures! Your so lucky to live next to the water :D

Fábio Martins said...

Very nice regists. I love the beach

Unknown said...

This is beautiful! I am jealous! Enjoy the inspiration

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Those photos are beyond beautiful!

Mary Ann Pickett said...

Such a breath of fresh air!

Betty Manousos said...

socialstudiessubrette, not really.
as it'd take me over an hour to reach the beach:)

Betty Manousos said...

aw, corinne, thanks so much for saying that. much appreciated!! xo

Georgia said...

Betty those are very lovely beach photographs!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful beaches and ocean views Betty, I can almost smell the sea air.

Kitty Deschanel said...

Oh, how these photos make me long for a vacation! Enjoy your break from blogging (and come back soon!)

Sérgio Pontes said...

Essa praia tem um aspecto fabuloso