Have a Cuddly Weekend!

I found this video by Septimiuskrogh to be ridiculously hilarious cute, however, I was a little worried about those beautiful dogs. 
So I had to check out the story on the You Tube.
Both dogs loved it! 
Aren't these dogs adorable?!

My darlings, hope you have a wonderful, loving weekend! xx


Red Nomad OZ said...

I'm on the Opal Fields in central New South Wales, Australia tonight - lower than average temperatures here (close to 0 degrees C) mean no option but to cuddle up!!!

Have a great weekend!

Joop Zand said...

Hello Betty

For you and your dear ones also a very nice weekend.

warm greetings from Holland, Joop

Anonymous said...

You too, my dear ♥ I know the dog-video and it's absolutly great!
Grettings - moni

SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Betty, that video is hilarious! Thanks for sharing.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Ms. A said...

I've seen it... cute. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, too!

Samantha said...

Hopefully it cools down enough to cuddle!
Have a great weekend

Nancy said...

Cuties!! Love this -- cuddling with my puppies and kitties is a favorite pastime. :) Have a fabulous weekend, Betty!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Ahh, I love kitties and pups AND your photos.

Happy Weekend to you!!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

I never need an excuse for a cuddle. Hoping you also have a cuddlesome weekend. x

Jack of Diamonds said...

argh I want a dog so bad!

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

Nice photos but I prefer to see photos which have actions of people.Have a happy weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

nothing makes me smile more than kitties and pups and you have lots of that, the video is hilarious.

TexWisGirl said...

that video was too cute! i'd have NEVER been able to keep my dogs out of the plates!!! and i was a bit worried about the forks and their mouths!

hope you have a great weekend!!!

imac said...

Love and cuddles, heartfelt post my friend.

Irredento Urbanita said...

Lovely photos and nice photoblog.



Barcelona Daily Photo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cute pics.:D

Anonymous said...

happy weekend my friend

Unknown said...

Adorable pictures! Have a wonderfull weekend!

Bossy Betty said...

I miss my doggie!! Great pictures and video!

JTG (Misalyn) said...

cuties! I'd love to cuddle them. Have a nice weekend dear!

Kelly said...

I just love dogs! Thanks for sharing this, Betty.

Hope your weekend is wonderful!

Leckeres für Mensch und Katze said...

These dogs are soo cute!!! Fantastic! :)) LG Tina

Bobbi said...

I just saw that video yesterday! It's hilarious!

Great photos of the animals!

Bob Bushell said...

The piece I loved, was the two dogs eating their meals, that is hilarious. I didn't know that they had hands like ours, lol.

Chapters From My Life said...

It feels great to come back over here and see the great pics on your lovely blog. I immensely enjoyed the video lol. Have been offline for past few months due to many reasons... Love and hugs to you.

ANRAFERA said...

Bonitas y agradables fotografías.
Un cordial saludo y feliz fin de semana.

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos of pets. The video is fantastically funny. A hug.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

That is hysterical, very amusing. Thanks for posting.
Hugs to you!

chow and chatter said...

Have a great weekend as well :-) hugs

Claudya Martinez said...

Thanks for the cuteness.

Ryan said...

Hi Betty great video, have a relaxing weekend.

StarTraci said...

Well, how can I not have a great weekend when I am sent off with such cuddliness. I hope you have a lovely one, my friend!


Melissa B. said...

Thanks, Betty. You, too!

Leontien said...

Have a great weekend!!!

hopped over from Texwizgirl!


George said...

Cuddling is always a good thing. Thanks for the cute pictures and video. I hope you have a great weekend.

La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Ay que buenas todas las fotos.

Saludos y buen sábado.

magiceye said...

very sweet....

Magia da Inês said...

Desejo-lhe um ensolarado e magnífico fim de semana.
。˚ ˚ ˛✿

Anonymous said...

Ah- too adorable! Have a good one.

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Wonderful photos, I watched that video a while back, it is hilarious!

One said...

Looks like you have many magnificent captures!

eileeninmd said...

Cute doggies, love your photos.

Cezar and Léia said...

wow I love animals, all lovely critters, they are sincere friends. I like your pictures very much!
And thanks for sharing the video!
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Kristina P. said...

We're out of town, with my Grandma and her dog. My husband is in heaven. He wants a dog so badly!

Kristina P. said...

We're out of town, with my Grandma and her dog. My husband is in heaven. He wants a dog so badly!

Jenn Jilks said...

What a great set! I love the dog video...even though I'm partial to cats!
Thanks for visiting!

Jidhu Jose said...

cute pets

My camera Critters

Chubskulit Rose said...

Such a beautiful critter post!

Camera Critters at my page. Have a great weekend!

Kay L. Davies said...

Wonderful dog (and cat) photos!
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Hootin Anni said...

So, so sweet....each and every photo. Gotta love our furbabies, right? I know I do!!

Do stop by if you have time to view my:


Hope your weekend is treating you well!!

Lisa Weidknecht said...

I'm weekend social hopping! Follow me too? Weidknecht.blogspot.com

Annabella said...

That second little dog has such character. Great photos and the video is wonderful. Happy weekend!

Bitch said...

Dear Betty,
there is always a fresh breeze coming
from your photo blog!!
I was away from Athens for a few days.
So I have missed your Tuesday post.
Wish you a very nice Sunday, my dear friend!!
Hugs and kisses

Gallery of the Mountains said...

I have seen this video and it is hilarious!


Gifts By Katherine said...

What a great post the video cracked me up too. Hugs

David Macaulay said...

ha, ha - too funny, Betty

kikiMo said...

I fondly remember playing with my doggies.
Loved seeing those pics.

Ingrid said...

Adorable ! I had seen this video already and the son of my friend did the same with their dog, it was too funny. The dog is Beagle !

4 Lettre Words said...

Sweet photos...and that video is too funny! Happy Sunday!

MikiHope said...

Gremlin, my fur bearing brat cat, doesn't really like to cuddle-but allows me to do it anyway--just gives me these strange looks!!
I am a new follower

Michele aka MikiHope

Caroline Lind said...

Nice photos and fun clip:) Thanks for your comments, hope you'll have a nice sunday too!

Hilary said...

What an adorable bunch.. including Constantine. ;) I have seen that video and others like it before. They never fail to crack me up.

Anonymous said...

That video was too cuuute & I love the cuddly critter pics... they all look so sweet! =)

Pat Tillett said...

great pics of cute pets! The video is amazing. thanks for posting it!

Antonella said...

What cute puppies!! That video is so funny!!! Thanks for stopping by, I'm also stopping by from camera critters! Hugs, antonella :-)

Carletta said...

Hi Betty,
Thanks for stopping by both my blogs today and leaving such wonderful comments.
Cute pet shots! Gotta love a guy who loves kitties. :)
The video is so funny. Makes the dogs look so human like.

In answer to your question I use a Canon camera.

Liz Mays said...

I like all these happy animal shots! Hope your weekend was wonderful!

magda said...

Χαχαααα, Μπέττυ μου, καταπληκτικό βίντεο και φωτογραφίες!!!
Είναι τόσο αξιολάτρευτα!!!
Καλή εβδομάδα!
Πολλά φιλάκια

Fábio Martins said...

So cute, the dog :)

Balaphoto said...

LOVELY shots!!!

Salut, Francesc

Jennifer Fabulous said...

What an adorable post! I love dogs. My goal is to get a puppy (most likely poodle, since I'm not allergic) by the end of the year!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

This makes me want to go cuddle with my fur baby!

Rick said...

Ha ha - cuddly ones, indeed ! (couldn't watch the vid due to internet issues but the photos just make you say "awww").

Have a great week, Betty !

Jaymi said...

these are beautiful shots!