Guess Who's Back!

Sunflowers are so beautiful! I love their deep rich brown, and golden yellow colour.

I'd like to photograph a large field of sunflowers in full bloom as far as the eye could see...
I'd love to wander through a field of sunflowers wearing good hiking boots in the fall. I think sunflowers capture the autumn's palette so perfectly!
I really enjoy taking photos of sunflowers; here are a few I've taken quite lately.

Don't you love to bask in the sunflower's warming glow? What about these beautiful Sun Lovers? Take a look!

Hello, everybody! Oh, have I missed you so! I realise (realize) it's been quiet here for a while. So, let's party!
Hope you all had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to a great fall.
In fact, with sunflower fields in full bloom it's hard to believe that fall is already upon us.
I came back a week ago, but I am not really into the swing of things yet. Well, I know I have to get going... just can't find my mojo.

What I get to do is to fully prep for fall and write down my "To Do" list for the upcoming season.

During my vacation I had very limited Internet, my apologies if I was not around much.
On the other hand, it was a great relief to spend some time away from my computer.
I needed the vacation- trust me, since this year I was under quite a lot of pressure, not to mention the last time I was sick. (Oh my gosh! it completely wiped me out for an entire week!)

But anyway, I promise to get back to you and visit your lovely blogs really soon.
It's good to be back! xx

Next up: Vacation photos.

P.S. I am still catching up and sorting through e-mails and answering them when I find time.


Liz Mays said...

So lovely to see you back and what a wonderful return with a field of sunflowers!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to see you ♥
I love sunflowers too and I have a lot of shots.
Nice week and greetings

Gaelyn said...

There is something very special about sunflowers.

Glad you had a good vacation. Sometimes nice to escape the technology. Welcome back.

Kelly said...

It's wonderful to have you back - and you brought us flowers!!! They're beautiful!

I'm glad you enjoyed your time off and hope to see you posting lots more now that you're refreshed. :)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Good to have you back ....... and with such a wonderful post that brought sunshine to my day.

Anonymous said...

Nice having you back :) Hugs :)

Darlene said...

Welcome back! I love sunflowers, and your pictures are gorgeous as always! I love sunflowers and one of these days I'm going to try to grow some! I can just imagine how beautiful a whole field of sunflowers would be!

Hilary said...

Welcome back! I see you brought the sunshine with you. Lovely sunflowers. Take your time getting back into the swing of things and enjoy.

Red Nomad OZ said...

Sunflowers are awesome - and even better, we also have them downunder here in OZ!!

Have a wonderful day!!

Crissi said...

I love sunflowers, and your pictures are so very nice!
Greetings Crissi

TexWisGirl said...

welcome back to the swing of things, dear betty! i hope you are replenished!

Bob Bushell said...

It's good to see you, what maybe a lifetime. By the way, I love your sunflowers too.

Tina´s PicStory said...

Welcome back to bloggerland :) This sunflowers are great!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. These sunflower shots are magnificent!

Anonymous said...

the sunflowers are beautiful, and Im so glad u r back...missed you my friend :)

Dan said...

There is something special about tall sunny sunflowers. :)

Hope your batteries are recharged; welcome back!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

welcome back, waiting to see what photos you took while on break. yes I LOVE sunflowers, God's smiley faces

David Macaulay said...

glad you feel better, Betty - love the pics

wenn said...

wow, such bright lovely sunflowers!

Fábio Martins said...

What a beautiful sunflower! Your vacations was good? Kiss

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Hello Betty, had missed your blog comment.

Beautiful photos, some fantastic colors.

Bobbi said...

Glad you're back!
Beautiful pictures!

Bitch said...

Thinking of you in beautiful Mykonos
and now coming back with these sunflowers... apologies accepted!!!
I hope you are well!!!!!

dennistheeremite said...

I'm glad you had a good vacation. Those are beatuiful crisp pictures of sunflowers. I have a bird feeder and the birds have planted the sunflowers in my yard.

FilipBlog said...

Love the pictures and welcome back. I hope you are feeling a lot better and I am happy to read your blog again.


Diane AZ said...

Hello and welcome back! I love your sunflower pics and beach vacation images in your previous post. We still have about a month of hot summer weather left here in the desert.

Unknown said...

Welcome back! I love fields of sunflowers to. So pretty!

Pat said...

Welcome back! I would love to wander through a field of sunflowers, but there are none around here!

imac said...

Welcome back my friend.
I agree with you - ev1 needs a break from blogging every now and then, stops us all getting stale - a break refreshes us and full of ideas to blog again. Thank you for all the sun you bring with you.

ANRAFERA said...

Me gusta mucho la visualidad y tonalidades de estas fotografías.
Espero te haya ido todo bien.
Un cordial saludo desde España.

Anonymous said...

As there yellow can't ever get dark, they make bright much more than this night.
Please have a good new month.

StarTraci said...


How wonderful to hear from you. I love, Love, LOVE sunflowers. They are one of my favorite flowers. Simply enough they make me happy just like great friends like you!


Leovi said...

Welcome back. I hope that your holidays have been very happy. Beautiful sunflowers and beautiful pictures on your return we offer.

George said...

Welcome back! I'm glad you had a good vacation and I look forward to your photos. The pictures of the sunflowers are gorgeous. said...

Welcome back! It's not the same without you. Those photos make me smile almost as much as the fact that you are back and haven't turned comments off. =)
Big hugs, dear Betty.

Magia da Inês said...

º° ✿Olá, amiga!
Absolutamente maravilhoso... sou apaixonada por flores... amo os girassóis.
º° ✿

Nancy said...

Welcome back, Betty! I missed you too! I hope you had a restful vacation and I'm looking forward to your vacay photos. :)

Ms. A said...

Welcome home! I never see sunflowers unless it's by photo, so thank you for posting some gorgeous ones.

Erika said...

Glad you enjoyed your vacation. Your sunflower shots are beautiful! I especially like the light and shadow on the first one.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Good to see you posting again.I love the sunflowers.A flied of them can brighten the day.

Nikki said...

Beautiful! I love sunflowers and wish we had more sun in our yard to grow them.

Emm said...

Betty! Welcome back!!! Hope you had a super summer. I didn't expect to be ready for autumn and winter just yet but I really am. Going to plan my new wardrobes this weekend.

These photos are amazing!!!!!! Really nicely done.

SquirrelQueen said...

I started smiling as soon as I scrolled down and saw the first sunflower. They are such bright and happy flowers.
Welcome back Betty!

Betty Manousos said...

thanks so much all of you for the lovely comments.

they really mean a lot! :)

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

Glad to hear your news!I also hope you had a summer full of new moments!Continue your vacation!

Nevine Sultan said...

Betty, first off... so lovely to see you back online! I'm glad to know you enjoyed your time off... and don't we all need it!!! And what can I say about your delicious-looking sunflowers except that they make my heart sing! I think sunflowers are the most vibrant, most alive, of all flowers. And your photos have captured that so perfectly. Thank you for the lovely start to my day!

Sending you warm hugs and thoughts,

S. Susan Deborah said...

It's wonderful to have you agin in the loop, dear Betty. Glad that you had a lovely offline time. And sunflowers, I wish I could lay down in the brown bed surrounded by yellow petals. The flowers also reminded me of van Gogh and his sunflowers.

Have a lovely weekend and happy September to you and yours.

Joy and love,

Gattina said...

That's my favorite flower ! I even have a bouquet of fake once in my room the whole year !

Pat Tillett said...

Welcome home! From your great photos, it looks like you had a fantastic trip. Thanks for sharing all the photos while you were gone!

Ingrid Andrea said...

Thank you for visting my blog and your nice comment:)

I love sunflowers!

Wish you a lovely weekend, greatings from Norway :o)

Dila said...

♫°º♥ ·.
Super lindas suas fotografias.
♫°º♥ ·.

helenplusthree said...

Gorgeous gorgeous.. who can turn away from flowers..


Working Mommy said...

Such beautiful pictures!!!


Rick said...

Nice to come back to such cheery sunflowers ! I really enjoyed your vacation photos - Greece - reminds me so much of our vacation in Rhodes last Sept.

Have a lovely Friday & weekend.

The Blonde Duck said...

Glad you're back!

Casey @ Yes Thery're All Mine said...

Beautiful flowers! Thank you for stopping by to say hi!

Betsy at Zen-Mama said...

What beautiful pictures of Sunflowers! I, too, am an amateur photographer. I've just taken a bunch of photography of sunflowers, too. Looking forward to looking through the rest of your pictures.

Xenia said...

So glad that you're back and that you had a nice vacation! And what gorgeous sunflower pictures... can't wait to see more of the vacation photos. :)

Thanks for joining us for Friendly Friday, have a great weekend!

DisneyMom said...

You take such pretty pictures... even pics from previous posts! :) I am following you back via GFC, thanks for stopping by! ;) and

Do you believe in karma? KarmaBloggers

diane b said...

Welcome back.

Ryan said...

Loving the beautifully bright sunflower photos, great to have you back Betty.

Kat Sloma said...

Love the yellow! They make me smile today. Visiting from Creative Exchange!

Lisa Gordon said...

So happy to see you back Betty!
If your summer was anything like these photographs, it was a wonderful one!

Thank you so much for sharing this today at The Creative Exchange.

Have a wonderful evening!


genie said...

Your photos remind me of 10 years ago when my husband tools pictures of me in a huge field filled with sunflowers - we were on our way to Rocky Mt. National Park. I could not believe my eyes.....whole fields full of yellow. Your photos are great. They have put a big “memory lane smile” on my old face.genie

Pat said...

Bright and beautiful sunflower shots - so cheerful looking!

Anonymous said...

beaut... beauty... beautiful shots

happy week =)