Five Likes Tuesday

Twinkling lights.  

Christmas day will be here eventually and I can't help but wonder if Christmas magic it's only for kids. Realizing that many of us (including me) will have someone we love missing from the celebrations this year, it's easy to want to echo the Grinch's sentiment- " I must find a way to keep Christmas from coming!"

But it helps to remember what Christmas really means...peace, love and a joy of life every day of the year. 
And it's always important to remember the simple things in life that bring you joy. After all, it is the little things that count and help us enjoy every day. 
Focusing on what brightens our day, even in the smallest ways, I think it's a great way to get yourself in a good mood.
Christmas ornaments.
Christmas fairy tale decoration. (Without a doubt, this one always brought out the "child" in me!).
Winter blooms.
Chocolate Strawberry Cake.

I read somewhere that "Christmas gets all glammed up, but at the heart of it all, it celebrates a very quiet moment..." xx


Hilary said...

That cake looks absolutely yummy. And I've not even had my morning coffee yet!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all things i love too, but bring on te CAKE, yummmee, i am feeling Like Christmas.

Unknown said...

A great pre-Christmas post Betty.
We all shall have someone missing from out Christmas table.
Still thinking that Christmas is not just for Kids.
It is for all of us... Give us all new hope.
Wishing you a great afternoon.

Bitch said...

This a very good saying.. "it celebrates a very quiet moment".
And as everybody up there..
Love the cake!!!! Hmmm

Greetings, dear Betty

moni said...

Dear Betty,
your five christmas things are wonderful. Lights, christmas decorations, glimmering balls, colored winter blossoms and yummy-yummy strawberry cake!
It's a hard work to focuse on what brigthens our days, bat I believe, we try it every day!
Have a nice day, my friend!

Liz Mays said...

I too appreciate the simple things. Just being with the ones I love makes me happy. I'm going home next week to spend some time with family. :)

Nancy said...

To be honest, I'm a bit of a Grinch when it comes to Christmas -- each year, it becomes more commmercial than the year before. I try to keep it very simple, make my gifts and enjoy my family. To each his or her own, really. :)

TexWisGirl said...

love that sentiment. :)

Craver Vii said...

I have been thinking a lot about some friends who are going to be missing someone this Christmas. I cannot pretend to know your loss, but my heart goes out to you in this time. May the Lord bring comfort and even good cheer to your home.

Stephanie said...

Oh that quote is so true!!
Every year we struggle through tthe hussle and stress of Christmas and then truly enjoy the slow pace of Boxing Day (we declare a PJ day and hide from the world) :)

magda said...

Υπέροχες οι φωτογραφίες σου Μπέττυ μου!
Η τούρτα, η διακόσμηση, όλα πολύ ωραία!
Εγώ περιμένω με χαρά τα Χριστούγεννα, γιατί έρχονται τα παιδιά και περνάμε πολύ ωραία, οικογενειακά!
Έχουμε έθιμο, να τους περιμένω και να στολίσουμε το δέντρο όλοι μαζί.
Πολλά φιλάκια

Lynn said...

All beautiful things there!

- Christmas lights.
- Ringing the bell for the Salvation Army the Saturday night before Christmas day.
- Lessons and Carols service at church.
- Looking for the ornament with my name on it on the office Christmas tree.
- Excited childrens' voices frolicking around the light extravaganza in my condos.

Betty Manousos said...

nancy, you're right! it's gotten to be so much about commercialism and we're kinda brainwashed by commercial on TV.

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Those winter blooms are beautiful, such pretty colours.

BlueShell said...

We all miss someone…But we’ve got to be grateful because we are here and we do have God’s blessing!

I like the ornaments, the cake, the songs, my husband’s love and God’s presence! (Well, I know…God is always present, even when we doubt so…)

Thank you
Your photos are lovely….

Fábio Martins said...

Happy days to you :)

Reena said...

Oh, that cake looks delicious as I sit here munching on pumpkin seeds!

Magic Moments said...

That Strawberry-cake mmmmm...Lovely..=0)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Christmas music helps me feel Christmassy.

Lovely shots - that cake looks delicious!

Betty Manousos said...

craver vii, oh, that's awesome!:)

thanks so much for your words of sympathy and for being so thoughtful.
ever since my dad's death (three years ago), i did not feel in a xmas mood every year since then.
but i'm trying to.

ritsa said...

That cake really looks yummy!
I love those beautiful Christmas lights.

michael said...

I like everything about Christmas.
lights, trees, gifts, festivities are some of my favorites.

Merry Christmas!

shirley said...

Your last comment about the quiet moment is so true. Love your photos and thank you for your kind comments on my blog!

Bob Bushell said...

I like them all, especially the strawberry photo, it is beautiful.

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

I love these christmas ornaments!It's nice time when we fix our christmas tree!In th past,the new years eve somebody was dressed as a santa Claus and was giving our presents!Also, I like the chrismas sweets!Have a wonderful christmas!

Kelly said...

Mmmm, that cake with the strawberries looks yummy! I love your fairy tale decoration, too - cute!!

I try to focus on the present during the holidays. It's too easy to get bogged down if I don't. So many loved ones are gone.

Sylvia K said...

I think for me it is the memories of those wonderful Christmases when my children were young. I've lived alone for a long time now and I'm not complaining as I'm very happy. I rarely if ever watch TV and when I do, it's not during the holidays because I dislike the commercialism of the holidays. My kids are scattered all over the country and we rarely get to spend the holidays together. But joy is what we choose to make it, how we choose to see the holidays can either add to that joy or take away from it. Christmas to me isn't about decorations and parties, it's about peace, love, and a joy of life every day of the year. Well, that's more than anyone wants to hear or read -- guess I do have a big mouth and/or busy fingers!! Hope you have a beautiful day, Betty! Oh, and I would love a piece of that cake!!


La sonrisa de Hiperion said...

Muy navideñas las fotos que nos has dejado...

Saludos y un abrazo.

Fer said...

Dulce navidad, cada vez está más cerca se nota en tu blog, besos...

TrevorW�� said...

Wow....That strawberry image is 'scrumptious'.....


Ruth Hiebert said...

When a loved one is missing from the celebrations,the mind goes more readily to the real meaning of Christmas,the birth of Christ.

imac said...

Yum - strawberry cake.
Great shots too.

Jesús Castellano said...

Muy buenas tomas, llenas de un delicioso ese espíritu Navideño. Feliz Navidad para ti y tu gente más cercana.


Anonymous said...

How peaceful everything feels.

Please have a good Wednesday.

daily athens photo

Chatty Crone said...

Okay Chocolate cake with those strawberries - who would have thought of that - gorgeous! sandie

Cloudia said...

loved this visit!

Aloha from Waikiki

Comfort Spiral

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< ° ) } } > < said...

A visit to your blog also helps me get into a good mood.
Hugs to you, Betty.

Ms. A said...

I prefer that very quiet moment.

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

Always beautiful feeling to catch the twinkling lights during Christmas !!!

Randy said...

What amazing photographs. I prefer a nice quite Christmas with just a few people and good food.

Anonymous said...

Any cake with strawberry topping is aces in my book!

Betty Manousos said...

randy, i'm with you.

glad you liked the photos.:)
i love your amazing photos, too!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Betty, I love your closing thought. It really sums up what the season is all about. The cake looks absolutely delicious!

Ryan said...

For me Christmas is all about family time, enjoying the kids. I do realize however that this time of year can be very lonely for some people.

Pat Tillett said...

Great words and photos Betty!
I want at least one piece of that chocolate cake w/strawberries! Yum!

George said...

Your pictures do a wonderful job of showing that Christmas magic is not only for kids. Sometimes we need to cut through the noise and cnfusion (and commercials) to find that magic, but it is there in the simple and beautiful things you've photographed.

Betty Manousos said...

george, thanks for saying that! you're too kind!

Leovi said...

Precious ornaments, to live a delicious Christmas surrounded by color and joy. That strawberry shortcake and chocolate must be very rich. Hugs.

beth said...

my heart had christmas last weekend....helping underprivileged families is such a joy for me :)

your home looks beautiful and ready for christmas....and i do see some magic there :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Mmmmmmmm, that cake looks yummy!

AudreyO said...

Because this is the season of giving, I wonder if you can find a way to pay tribute to whoever you're missing but doing something in their honor, something that they would just love and would make you feel as if they were with you.

Nevine Sultan said...

Happy holidays, my dearest Betty! Your photos are all yummy... even the ones with no food! It seems the most beautiful moments are also the most silent. We love to celebrate holidays... and we get caught up in the fanfare and excitement, but when the real moment comes to us, it is a quiet moment with a huge impact.

I send you my warmest wishes for a lovely holiday season, dearest!

Warm hugs,

dennistheeremite said...

I just got home from our youth group Christmas Party. We listened to the story of "The Littlest Angel" and his gift to the baby Jesus. The kids all made "Christingles" (sp.?) and gave something in their life to Jesus for his birthday. What a perfect time!

GraficWorld said...

Nice capture:)

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful images and that cake looks realy yummy. I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

Kitty Moore said...

Lovely will be strange this year...x

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Hi Betty
Christmas is coming! But in Switzerland it is still to warm, so nobody really feels ready for Christmas now..
Can you send us a piece of that chocolate cake? It looks fantastic! hmm!

Greetings and have a nice weekend!
Yvonne & Raphael

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Beautiful post and lovely photos. What you say of Christmas is so true.

Cedar said...

I love that first photo! Lovely Christmas shots!

Betty Manousos said...

beth, that is so awesome!!

Linda said...

Thank you for the reminders...sad that we need them, but life is busy and can cause you to forget. Your reminder was both timely and beautiful.

The Blonde Duck said...

I must be five. I love the magic of Christmas!

KikiMo said...

Nice pictures and that chocolate cake looks really yummy!!!

Peter said...

Have a Merry Christmas!