What Are Your Simple Joys in Life?

Oh, I get so busy at times that I don't cherish the little joys and simple pleasures of life. Sigh! But there are, and always will be, simple, little things around us that still naturally calm the mind and greatly lift the spirits. I have at least a couple handfuls of simple, little pleasures...
Here are some of my favourite feel-good moments through pictures.

Popping into Vintage little shops.
Pink flowers.
One of life's simple pleasures is a beautiful bunch of flowers. I love having fresh flowers in my space.

That first sip of coffee in the morning.

Eating ice-cream while watching a good movie is one of those things that makes you think...life is good!
Vintage framed mirrors.
A real wreath that gives off all that important scent of pine.

A Xmas wreath looks great no matter where you hang it. I hang mine on the front door.
The custom of using wreaths as Christmas decoration dates to 16th century Germany, where Lutherans created the Advent wreath.
Citrus fruits.
Fish and Chips ( Fish and fries)- served with mushy peas.

A popular take-away food in the UK, Ireland, Canada, and Australia.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
Robert Brault

What are your favourite simple pleasures in life? I'd love to hear. xx


Crissi said...

Best wishes, have a good day!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

every single one of these would and did bring me pleasure. that pink flower is stunning.

Stranger in a Strange Land said...

Hello Betty:

I enjoy baking cakes & pies and of course, eating them...Picking berries & mushrooms in the forest.... the quiet of walking in a snow....eating homemade pizza...Just to name a few.

Take care & Merry X-mas,

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes! I agree, every one of these did indeed make me smile and what a delightful way to begin my day! Thanks, Betty! Just what I needed this morning! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Betty Manousos said...

stranger in a strange land, aw, all those things you mentioned are really awesome!!

TexWisGirl said...

this was a nice set of sights and smells! :)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

I'm with you on all the above, however, my small pleasures also include getting into a freshly laundered bed, walking through autumn leaves, hot chocolate by a log fire. Have a great day Betty and may it be full of pleasures both big and small.

Lynn said...

- Keeping the lights low in my home so the Christmas tree lights look glowy.

- Poached eggs.

- Plotting Christmas surprises.

Elizabeth Anderson said...

Everyone's small pleasures sound wonderful to me. I'll add early morning coffee by the fire before everyone wakes. Have a wonderful week Betty!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Amazing feel good pictures.

Craver Vii said...

That's a very interesting effect you have in that coffee picture. I like it!

Bitch said...

Very good pictures and words going with..

Life is good and in order for me with an ice cream and watching a movie..
(Have you seen "The King's speech"?).

Wish you great holidays with your family, dear Betty!!!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Those are great pleasures! My simple pleasures are not so simple--I think. They include the laughter of my family, the smell of the newest baby in the flock, the lines on my wise parents faces and kind words.

Thanks for helping me take inventory.


Georgia said...

Some of my favorite simple pleasures
are: knitting, reading a good book, baking. Just to name a few.

Great pictures, Betty!

Unknown said...

The smell of cookies that Jakes and I have made up and are baking. Hugs and kisses from Jakes. Text messages from AZ.

There are tons of little joys in my life right now.

Happy Holidays!

ritsa said...

The smile of a child, laughter.

Erin said...

I really love your photographs.
They did really make me smile.

That bunch of flowers is really awesome!!

michael said...

They say the little things matter the most.
It's so true.

Happy holidays!

Bob Bushell said...

A beautiful series.

Kelly said...

You always share such wonderful photos!!

I'm enjoying a pot of tea with some gingersnaps on a cold, dreary afternoon. A simple joy. :)

Unknown said...

I love your simple things! One of my favorites, to lay in front of a blazing fire with my feet up on the hearth getting hot and toasty while I read a really good mystery!

imac said...

I'll go with the fish n chips with mushy peas, plenty of pepper and vinegar too.

Cloudia said...

thanks for sharing these lovelies!

Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

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Leovi said...

Beautiful pictures, I really like the coffee cup, very well captured. And the flowers are delicious. Hugs.

Sandra Wilkes said...

I'll pass on the mushy peas but the rest is luscious! First coffee of the day? The winner! Especially when my hubby makes it.

Chatty Crone said...

I have really enjoyed seeing your grateful list. Beautiful pictures. The mushy peas even look good to me. I am with you - I enjoy at looking at beautiful flowers and birds. Merry Christmas. Sandie

Liz Mays said...

Oh, I love them! And I'm about to enjoy some ice cream and a movie now!

SandyCarlson said...

Your photos are a breath of fresh air. Thanks for helping me slow down.

Hilary said...

Beautiful images, Betty. I love that cup of coffee.

I can't resist a book so good that I'd rather get back to it before doing anything else. Add a purring cat to my lap and I'm doing great. Those are my simple pleasures.

anilkurup59 said...

Reminded me of the song ( from the film The Sound of Music),"... my favourite things."

I'll pick the morning cuppa and the bunch of flowers.

StarTraci said...

I love a cup of coffee in the morning and a cup of tea at night (both better if brought to me in bed). I love the smell of cinnamon and the taste of white chocolate. Mostly, though, I love a smile. Always welcome, even from a stranger but especially beloved from my children.

I also love messages from my friends! Merry Christmas to you!


wenn said...

I would love to have that original Christmas wreath!

SquirrelQueen said...

The Fish and Chips look so good, I had forgotten about mushy peas. Now I want some.

My simple pleasures include flowers, kitty whiskers and purrs. Time with my hubby, he's taking extra time off for the holidays...yay!

Another pleasure is visiting here to see all your beautiful photos Betty.

Anonymous said...

Mushy peas! They bring back memories!

So many precious moments captured in your lovely shots.

Have a joyful Christmas!

Anonymous said...

enjoying just hanging out with my nieces while they're still toddlers!

Ms. A said...

I enjoy a soothing cup of coffee, peace and quiet and no drama. Oh, yeah... and an occasional margarita!

Chapters From My Life said...

I enjoy lot of simple things in life, the main one being chatting with my kids. At the moment I am on diet to loose the excessive weight I have gained due to restricted mobility. (yes the jinxed foot). So I am not even looking at the pictures of food :)

Cezar and Léia said...

It's a wonderful post and thanks for sharing "joy"with us!
I agree with your choices, they are all special things that bring happiness also to my heart! :)

Magic Moments said...

Always nice to visit to your blog...
I wish you a very merry Christmas to you my friend

Anonymous said...

A lot of the simple things that are on your list are actually on mine too.
I really enjoyed your pictures.

Have a merry Christmas!

diane b said...

I love walking on the beach or down a forest path. Having breakfast on the deck. Flowers in my garden and CHOCOLATE.

Evanir said...

Estamos a poucos dias do Natal esse dia especial que vemos passar por nós
incansavelmente ao longo de toda a vida.
vamos abrir as portas dar ao Menino Deus as boas vindas ao aniversáriante.
Um Feliz Natal ..Paz Amor E Luz De Jesus.
Obrigada por estar presente na minha vida no decorrer desse ano que breve chegara ao final.
Deus permita que nossa amizade seja iluminada pelo menino Jesus.
Um Natal De Felicidade Para Você Familia E Amigos.
Beijos ternos e carinhosos.
Tem um presente de Natal no blog se gostar esta a seu dispor.

LifeRamblings said...

your photos are delightful. i love the shot of the coffee. have a blessed Christmas.

dianne said...

Beautiful photographs of your simple joys dear Betty. I share some of your joys especially fresh flowers in my house, they bring me so much joy.
xoxoxo ♡

George said...

I love your list of simple things -- thanks for the reminder of just how important they are. A waterfall at the end of a hike in the mountains is one of the simple things I enjoy.

Magia da Inês said...

A felicidade está nas pequenas coisas do dia a dia...

…………( )
°º♫✿ ♪FELIZ
°º✿ NATAL!!!
º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

magda said...

Αγαπημένη μου Μπέττυ
Πολύ όμορφες φωτογραφίες, από καθημερινές αγαπημένες συνήθειες!
Κι εγώ καθημερινά είμαι ευτυχισμένη, με μικροπράγματα!
Όταν είμαι στην Αγγλία, λατρεύω τόσο πολύ τα Fish and Chips! Τρώω κάθε μέρα το ίδιο...
Σου εύχομαι καλά Χριστούγεννα με την οικογένεια σου!
Θα τα ξαναπούμε μετά τις γιορτές, γιατί θα έρθουν τα παιδιά και δεν θα έχω χρόνο για το κομπιούτερ.
Πολλά φιλάκια

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Very interesting pictures Betty!

Happy holidays!

Lisa Gordon said...

Some truly beautiful images of simple things, that are really so important, especially at this time of year.

Sending you wishes for a most beautiful Holiday Betty.

Gina Kleinworth said...

That 3rd shot is so pretty, Love those petals!

Scott Law said...

What a joyful post, so many little pleasures. I wish I knew where I could get some fish and chips like those in your final image. Oooooooh that looks good. Hope your Christmas is the merriest ever.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Me too on the vintage shops! :-)

Tiffany said...

I got to the fish and chips shot (which is lovely!) and my tummy growled! It looks delicious!

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, I really like the cup of coffee, well captured. And the flowers are delicious
Greetings and happy holidays

Fer said...

Una serie con un poco de todo y todo bueno. Te deseo que pases una muy feliz navidad, saludos...

Betty Manousos said...

so glad to read about all these favourite simple pleasures of yours in the comments:)

absolutely inspiring!!

Kirsten Harr said...

I, too, love vintage framed mirrors and many of the other loves you posted!

Ignacio Santana said...

Hola, Betty!!!...muchas gracias por visitar mi blog, es un gran honor para mi, y por darme la oportunidad de conocer tu trabajo.

Felices Fiestas y un abrazo!!! ;)

Ryan said...

Yep without a coffee in the morning I'm no good to anyone.

ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

My best simple pleasure is when the sun is rising every day.

Tricia said...

Simple pleasures make life a little more special. I find french fries to be pretty wonderful too :)

Linda said...

Beautiful thoughts, great photos...one of my greatest pleasures is having my grandchildren around - I waited a long time for them, so I enjoy them immensely! I enjoy spending time with my 3 sons, and I am thankful to have my mother , and here with me for CHristmas. Thanks for the nudge to think about the things we enjoy! Have a great Christmas!

Reena said...

Fun to hear your favorite simple pleasures! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Claudia said...

Pictures are simply gorgeous as always.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Unknown said...

ice cream is definitely on my list too!

My Third Eye

Jose Ramon Santana Vazquez said...


desde mis


CON saludos de la luna al
reflejarse en el mar de la



KikiMo said...

One of my favorite little pleasures is bringing flowers to my home.

Have a great Christmas!!

Jill said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment.

I really enjoyed all of your little pleasures. It's so important not to forget them

Merry Christmas!

One said...

Love your photo of the citrus fruits slices. Simple pleasures? Petting the dogs. It's impossible to forget. They demand to be petted.

chow and chatter said...

always a good reminder hugs from my kids

all the best with raisin tarts

Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Dito on the vintage shops & flowers... oh flowers, I miss flowers in the winter! =0

Thanks so much for stopping by & I wish you a very happy & merry Christmas to you & yours, also! =)

Cristina Lima said...

Olá, obrigada pelo carinho...

Quando li esse seu post, lembrei-me do filme "The Sound of Music", quando cantam sobre coisas simples que nos fazem felizes... Para espantar o medo... (no contexto)

Cantar para mim é isso, dá-me alegria em meio a tempestade.

Chris Amag

AudreyO said...

I'm very much an outdoor person, so I love the flowers, seeing animals, the lizards, the spiders/bugs etc that I encounter on my walks each day. I love the ocean, winter or summer the ocean is always there and when the sun is out and it's a clear day I just love it.

Gianna said...

Grazie della gradita visita.
Buon Natale.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Betty... I love the simple pleasures in life...Here are some of mine: Sitting by a roaring fire; Getting in our bed on a cold night with the electric blanket on; Hiking and finding a beautiful waterfall; Watching a TV show all cuddled up next to my hubby; etc. etc. etc.... I could go on and on!!!!!

Merry Christmas.

Nancy said...

Simple is a relative term, depending on how hectic your life has become.

For me -- I have many simple things to be thankful for. Love the photos and the thought. :)

Brooke said...

I loved reading through your list!!! And the photos are just STUNNING!!!!

Leovi said...

For me one of the great joys is having holiday, because I have more time to take pictures.
I wish you all the best during the holidays to you and those around you. Thank you very much for sharing the beauty of your photos.

Elia said...

¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨. *
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ **
****o***♥**o***o***♥ *

felices fiestas!

thanks for your visit, I wish yoy Merry Christmas!!!

hugs from Spain

eljardindemiduende ^^


Betty Manousos said...

thanks to all who shared their wonderful little pleasures:)

simple pleasures bring such joy in life, don't they?

Unknown said...

Daughter at home during school break.
Loving family.
Dogs and cats.
Dry roads.
Good friends.
Bills paid.
Empty tables ready for crafts.
Brownies (is this the same as chocolate? Nah.)
My Bible Study friends.
Colored pencils, paper, ink, paint, ideas.
Smiley faces.
A great book group.
Hot tea.
Blog comments :)
Healthful food in the frig.
Books, books, books.
Red boots.
Nail polish.

Okay, some of those weren't so little.
But I was on a roll.

Merry Christmas!

Gaby Bee said...

A Happy and Healthy New Year to you too....I hope all your wishes come true for 2012!

Gaby xo

Marianne said...

I love your blog!
The pictures are magnificent!
I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Pat Tillett said...

Eating with friends and family for me! Being out in nature also.
Here's to a nice Christmas and a happy New Year for us all...

betty-NZ said...

May we not overlook the simple things. Great post.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Diane AZ said...

I love how you captured your simple joys, especially the coffee. I thought the mushy peas was avocado until I read the caption. Merry Christmas! :)

tiptoethruphylsgarden.blogspot.com said...

Today...I found joy in looking at your photos,lovely,phyllis

Unknown said...

luv your vintage processing on the tulip and the lemons are great too!

Randy said...

Lets see. A few of mine are, finding the perfect shot, a nice hike or walk, the taste of good food, music and like you ice cream! Favorite flavor Pistachio.

Angel Corrochano said...

Tiempos de flores, de alegrías, de recuerdos colgados en la pared, de reuniones y comidas. Que gran entrada que fotografías tan deliciosas.
Te deseo unas felices fiestas
Un fuerte abrazo

Stewart M said...

Hi there - what a great set of 'moments' - Fish and Chips may not be the food of Kings - but at the right time it may well be the King of Foods!

Happy Christmas!

Stewart M - Australia

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog Betty. I guess my blog is my simple pleasure and through it I highlight many of the little things which bring me pleasure and contentment in my everyday life.

Just Be Real said...

Lovely Betty. Blessings and Merry Christmas to you too.

Liz said...

Wonderful images. The little bunch of flowers is gorgeous!
Have a lovely Christmas.

ANRAFERA said...

Hola Betty, espero y deseo tengas unas excelentes fiestas en unión de tu seres queridos.
Que te vaya todo muy bien.
Saludos cordiales desde Mérida- España-.

Nevine Sultan said...

Your photos are lovely, dearest Betty... especially the one of the coffee cup dappled with light. What a lovely expression of the joy of life!!!

One of my favorite pleasures in life is making homemade pasta, going crazy with the sauce, and then enjoying it!!! There is nothing like the taste of homemade pasta. Yum!!!

Wishing you the most wonderful holiday season life can deliver.

Big hugs,

Marijke said...

Hey Betty,
Thanks for passing by at my blog. Yours is lovely and a think your a great photographer.
Merry christmas en a great 2012
Marijke from Holland

David Macaulay said...

It's true there are many small and joyful things around and you capture them so well in your photos, Betty - Happy Christmas

Magia da Inês said...

♫♫♫ Feliz Natal!!!

…………*./ | \ .*
………, • '*♥* ' • ,
……. '*• ♫♫♫•*'
….. ' *, • '♫ ' • ,* '
….' * • ♫*♥*♫• * '
… * , • Feliz' • , * '
…* ' •♫♫*♥*♫♫ • ' * '
' ' • . Navidad . • ' ' '
' ' • ♫♫♫*♥*♫♫♫• * ' '
Que o Natal não seja apenas uma data, mas um estado de espírito a nos orientar a vida.


Felicia said...

Feliz Natal!

BlueShell said...

I miss this one: lovely!!!
Thank you my dearest friend.