Have a Huggy Weekend!

I just want a hug!!

I am definitely a hugger. I mean really! Well, obviously, I don't just go around hugging anyone but I love to hug my family members and close friends that I haven't seen for a while; I am not a cheek kisser hello/good bye though. 
I love hugging people I care about (reaching over and heartily pat on the back) as a means of showing my love and affection for them.

Have you ever thought how important hugs are? I know I haven't. The Internet is full of sources to verify how important hugging is. The touch of a hug has a healing effect on your body.
It's good to have physical contact sometimes. It's just feels nice emotionally, it is good for the soul. 
Studies also showed that hugging improves your health. Did you know January 21st is National Hug Day?

Let us not forget to embrace those whom we love. 

Here's a touching real life story about love from newborns! Rescuing Hug. This is the sweetest thing I've ever seen! Literally.

Are you a hugger? 

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx

P.S. Ever wondered what would happen if you attempted to hug random people in the street?
Stay tuned.

P.P.S. And remember, hugging is contagious. Big hugs to you all!

(Photo by my friend Kiki)

What Are Top 6 Favourite Movies of All Time?

Well, I'll admit it. I am embarrassingly addicted to watching movies. Yep! I am a little crazy about movies and anything that has to do with them. Would you judge me if I tell you that I love to watch movies...almost all the film genres and types!

Watching movies has been my hobby since I was a child. I can get lost in a good story.
While I don't use movies as an escape from my life, somehow the music, the characters, the scenes seem to have a great effect on me; I feel like I am being transported to a magical place full of fantasy and mystique. In other words, I let the movies carry me away...pure bliss!
Also, watching classic old movies it's a great opportunity to have a historic trip through time, or see life and lifestyles from a different perspective, which I do cherish a lot.

Apart from entertainment, movies can be pretty inspiring as well. Some films I just watch to take a break from the world around me, which is always nice. Because for a certain amount of time I can concentrate on someplace else, faraway lands and peoples, and be far away from where I am at.

There's nothing I enjoy more than sitting on the sofa and watching a good movie, especially on Saturday nights...snacking away. Totally normal.

Here are some of my favourite films, in no particular order:

The Godfather
The Silence of the Lambs
Back to the Future
Gone with the Wind
The Matrix (I like The Matrix because of its intriguing concept-reality, illusion and philosophy. The film is  considered to be far-ahead of its time as well.)

The Lives of Others. Such a great movie! I would highly recommend it. (Okay, I cheated! There are far too many to choose from.)

What about you?

Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing (long) weekend! xx

P.S. Grab a nice big bowl of hot buttery popcorn and enjoy your movie!

(Photos of Marlon Brando courtesy of Google images)

Happy New Year!

 little deer welcoming the sunrise
Little Deer Welcoming the Sunrise.

Happy New Year everybody! I hope you have a great year ahead of you full of love, happiness and unexpected surprises. May you and your family have a wonderful and blessed 2013!
2012 was a great year and I'm so thrilled to have you here. You, lovely people, brighten my life and inspire me everyday with your laughter and creativity. Thank you so so much for reading Cut and Dry.

Love you guys! xx

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