Under Construction

Beautiful view of Hydra island, Greece.

CUT and DRY will be under construction this weekend. I am in the process of revitalizing my blog...doing actually some work on fixing up the links, html, archives and pages.

In the meantime, here's a photo from a trip to Hydra island, Greece, if you'd like to see.

I hope you have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week. xx

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A Genius Sauce: Pesto Recipe + Have a Yummy Weekend!

pesto recipeAn awesome sauce is all it takes to make a kind of "eh sandwich" turn into something more flavourful.
My love of sandwiches knows no bounds. And while I love a good vegetable and cheese sandwich, I'm already tiring of the usual combos. But a friend recently introduced me to a creamy, rich sauce...pesto.

Pesto is a great sauce, literally; always tasty on just about anything! total game changer. Toss it with pasta, spread it on sandwiches or alone, pesto makes such a delicious sauce. And it's easy enough to make.
delicious pesto recipe
Pesto Sauce and Tortillas.

Pesto is a sauce originated in Genoa, Italy (Pesto Genovese) and traditionally consists of leaves of basil, fresh garlic and olive oil, pine nuts and..

A Piteous Scene + Have a Good Weekend

Now which are the animals really to be pitied in captivity?
...a piteous scene, seldom noticed by ordinary zoo visitors, is enacted by some species of swans at migration time.These creatures, like most other water fowl, are in zoos generally rendered incapable of flight by the operation of "pinioning", that is the amputation of the wing bone at the metacarpal joint. The birds never really grasp that they can fly no more and they try again and again. I do not like pinioned water birds; the missing tip of one wing and the still sadder picture that the bird makes when it spreads its wings spoil most of my pleasure in it, even if it belongs to one of those species  which do not suffer mentally by the mutilation.

Though pinioned swans generally seem happy and signify their contentment, under proper care, by hatching and rearing their young without any trouble, at migration time things become different: the swans repeatedly swim to the lee side of the pond, in order to have the whole extent of its surface at their disposal when trying to take off against the wind.
All the while, their sonorous flying calls can be heard as they try to rise, and again and again the grand preparations end in a pathetic flutter of the one and half wings; a truly sorry picture!
{From King Solomon's Ring by Konrad Lorenz}

Some facts about the animal kingdom are too important not to share.

I am a huge animal lover, and sometimes my friends think I'm annoying...I don't care though. I could go on forever and ever talking about animals. I am one standing strong against animal abuse. You see, I am an animal lover.

Your thoughts?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx

Linking to Camera Critters

Who's In + Have a Fun Weekend!

{Wine of the mind.}

What are you up to this weekend? I am slowly getting myself back in the routine after a nice, refreshing vacation (read: staycation). All in all our holiday was really lovely.
How have you been, my dear friends?

Share a glass of wine with your partner or a friend tonight. Have fun. Life is not only about work.
By the way, do you like beer or wine? Just curious.

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Cheers! xx

Linking to: Clairjustine Wordless Wednesday

and Wordless Wednesday-by Theresa's Mixed Nuts