Asking Weird, Interesting Questions + Have a Great Weekend!

...why do I seem to enjoy going out and hanging with friends, but at the same time, I do like to spend some alone time.
Have you ever wondered if you're an introvert or extrovert?

-I'm kind of an ambivert (ambiverts fall smack in the middle of the introvert-extrovert spectrum).

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you walked into that room?
-As I get older I find myself doing this more often.

Do you brush before floss or floss before brush?
-Brush. Floss. Repeat.

Did you know that: Elvis dyed his hair black? What was his natural hair colour? Elvis had a pet chimp called Scatter, which developed a taste for Scotch and bourbon.
- ...

Ever been scared to do something, and then once you've done it, realized that it wasn't quite as bad as you were imagining in your mind?
-My approach to this: It's never as bad as you think.

What are your simple joys in life?
-Call me a kid, but I still like the list my little ten year old self made: 

1. Ice-cream.
2. Saturday mornings- that moment when I can just relax and let time pass like there's no such thing as a   schedule.
3. More ice-cream.
4. Christmas Cartoons/A Christmas Carol. I still watch my all time favourite "A Christmas Carol" movie and Christmas Cartoons every year with my sister.
5. Starry skies.
6. Favourite smells: The smell of a campfire. The smell of rain. The smell (and taste) of bacon.

Go figure!

Do you talk to random strangers?
-No, but I do have a tendency to strike up a conversation when I'm waiting in line.  
How about you? I'd love to hear.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx 

Linking to Texture Tuesday

Linking to clairejustine 

Flowers, Quotes, Cookies and...Randomness

White Chocolate and Cranberry Cookies have always been high on my list. 
I thought I'd treat you to a bit of a random post today...positive randomness I love. 
Summer memories never fade away...
I grow herbs in small pots outside my kitchen. They stay neighborhood cat free...they don't have much to do with them!
{Photo of Bruges taken on my Brussels trip three years ago. Bruges is a charming little town in Belgium.}
{It really feels like Fall outside!}
{Be the person your dog thinks you are.}

I firmly believe that it's really useful to get exposed to randomness from time to time...try new things, travel, talk to people, search for new friends. The more we are exposed to randomness (and take the opportunity), the wider our perspective becomes and the more confident about our own ability to deal with life's challenges we become.
All too often, I found myself spending more time exploring the unknown, thinking, exposing myself to interesting things, taking in new experiences. Somehow randomness fires inspiration. Eventually.

I'd love to hear, do you seek out randomness to stay stimulated? Or do you tend to go the routine route?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx

P.S. I've finally reached the fifth step today. Yipee!

You, Me and Kitty

Today (Friday, October 4, 2013) is World Animal Day. The mission of World Animal Day is to
-Celebrate animal life in all its forms,
-Celebrate humankind's relationship with the animal kingdom,
-Acknowledge the diverse roles that animals play in our lives-from being our companions, supporting and helping us, to bringing a sense of wonder into our lives.
-Acknowledge and be thankful for the way in which animals enrich our lives.

Happy World Animal Day, everyone!

Oooh, so sweet! Cute baby Alpaca visiting the land of nod!

By BlueDogFilms

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
Mahatma Gandhi

Have a great caturday/weekend! xx

P.S. This is for you, my wonderful blogger friend Riot Kitty!

Linking to: Camera Critters , Ask Away Friday