
Have you ever had one of those days when everything is going wrong? You spilled your morning coffee on the carpet. Someone used the last of the shampoo. The hot water ran out before you got a shower this morning. And all that happens before your day even gets started. It is enough to put anyone in a lousy mood.
Each of us has some activity that grounds us. My thing is listening to my pissed-off-put-me-in-a-better-mood music. Music can be therapeutic. Because it just takes my mind off of what made me angry in the first place and makes me feel better in seconds.
What is your thing?
foggy photo
dense fog

What do you do when you are having a bad day? Any tips? I'd love to hear your ways to shake off a bad mood. 

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! xx

P.S. Tip: Touch your toes. "It opens up your hip joints, which is where most people store tension", says Dr. Oz. "Hold the position for a minute then slowly roll up. As you lift, so will your mood."

Linking to Wednesday Around The World


ΑΘΗΝΑ said...

When I have a bad day,i listen music too or open the television watching daily news.Have a nice weekend!

ANRAFERA said...

Before these so bad days only it is necessary to enjoy the home. Very nice and winter photographies. That you have a happy weekend.
An embrace from Merida - Spain-. Ramon

Lynn said...

Taking a walk works for me every time. Or playing Words With Friends. :)

Hope your day gets better and better!

It's me said...

Hhahahaha...i am going back to bed....!!...love from me happy weekend...x !

Tamara Camera said...

I will touch my toes - good tip!
I had that kind of day on Tuesday. So many things went wrong and I was so grumbly.
A hot coffee, some music, and TIME helped. And my son made me laugh.

Crissi said...

I call good friends, and hope that the next day will be better!
Have a nice weekend

Kelly said...

When stressed, I lose myself in a jigsaw puzzle. Even better with music! Music can always soothe my soul!

Beautiful photos, Betty. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Unknown said...

Hope your day gets better. I usually put on music and sing to it. Really belt it out!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, WELL---we all have our bad days, don't we? But--usually, a bad day is followed by an extremely good one!!!!!!

Things I do when needing to cheer up:
-take a walk in the woods (out in nature)
-listen to music
-work on my Family History (which I love)


Vodka Logic said...

I love music too.. and sometimes for a bad day, I sketch or watch a funny movie.. also sleep :)

Mari-Pi-R said...

Hay días de estos y si en cima hay un panorama al exterior como nos muestras en tus fotos no digamos.
Que tengas un feliz fin de semana.

TexWisGirl said...

when i'm grumpy or feeling bad, usually my dogs make me laugh, or the soft nickers of my horses when i go to the barn to feed them gives my heart a lift. or it is just nature around me. :)

Rui Pires - Olhar d'Ouro said...

Beutiful pictures Betty!!!

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Sylvia K said...

We all have those days, don't we!! I find they're a little more frequent the older I get and everything is just a tad harder than it once was!! But I listen to music, go for a walk and remind myself that I'm in pretty good shape for my 80 years and to loosen and lighten up -- things could be a lot worse!!!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Reading, eating chocolate and as a last resort going into the garage and throwing old chipped crockery about does it for me.

Gail Dixon said...

Music helps, especially a song I know all the words to and have the freedom to belt it out. Also, photography and my dogs. Love your images...so peaceful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i wish i could touch my toes.. LOL and when things go bad i get loud and yell and rant and let off steam, then i am fine. i have nothing that i do to make me feel better but that. i like to slam things to...

Diane AZ said...

Lovely fog series, Betty! Stretching exercises and walking feel great anytime, I especially like your toe touch tip. :)

Ms. A said...

Sleep is my way to avoid a bad mood and I haven't had nearly enough sleep lately.

I'm glad that's not MY weather, although it makes for some wonderful photos!

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Chocolate, dancing, sun, and a good cry help me.

Hugs to you, dear.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

I have to admit, I cannot remember the last time I was in a bad mood, Betty. I am one of those "happy" no matter what people...probably because there is good in everything...like your pix!...:)JP

Leovi said...

Exquisite pictures, I love this beautiful B & W, with a very poetic language!

HansHB said...

Great B&W photos!

Bob Bushell said...

I don't have any, ha ha ha. The last picture is a last one, wow, it is precious Betty.

Carver said...

Lovely foggy shots.

Brian Miller said...

wow great photos...the fog makes it so mysterious as well...music def has power to affect my moods...when i really need a mood changer though i have to get out...usually to the woods....or out in the people...go meet someone and hear a bit of their story...you know....

chica said...

Fotografar faz bem e ajuda sempre! Lindas! beijos praianos, tudo de bom,chica

eileeninmd said...

Betty, I do hope your day has changed for the better. I try to think of better times or hugging my dog helps. Sometimes playing music helps. Or planning a vacation, even if you do not go. I love researching trips of places I really want to see.

Wishing you a HAPPY weekend!

Icy BC said...

I shake off my bad mood with prayers first, and then outside I go to take pictures, or trying to look for something to shoot.

Your photos are gorgeous!

Lisa Gordon said...

Sorry your day got off to such a bad start, Betty. :-(
For me, running or some other type of exercise works great.

I hope your weekend is much, much better than your morning was.

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful photography ~ love your style ~ xxx

michael said...

Do something that feels good and puts a smile on your face, and your bad mood will be history!

dianne said...

Beautiful, misty images dear Betty.
I hope your day improves, it seems that those kind of mornings can put everything out of balance and spoil the whole day.
I like to walk amongst trees, that always makes me feel better.
Love and hugs dear friend!
xoxoxo ♡

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Oh yeah, music definitely helps. And I like to spend time with my animals, especially my chickens. They always cheer me up!

Love your photos in this post. SO beautiful. Hope you have a better weekend :)

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The last photo is magical! Music usually lifts my mood...good, uplifting Christian music is the best.

David Macaulay said...

sounds like a plan re music - I have days when all of these little things bring me down. I try to gain a sense of perspective - nice pics - where is this?

diane b said...

I like to go for a walk or work in the garden but that would be difficult in the type of weather your lovely photos depict. Stick to music and a warm fire.

Our photos said...

Very nice and winter photos. That you have a happy weekend, Betty!

Anonymous said...

Touching your toes is good! My mood lifter is a walk.

Lovely shots!

Marie said...

I can get quite sassy for a bit! lol Usually my dogs and kitty will make me smile and I'll put on happy music, like Earth Wind & Fire and I feel all better. :)

Riot Kitty said...

That is my tip, too - angry, super loud music with the windows up.

Thing is, I often forget how loud it is when I turn off my car. Then the next time I'm in it, I fairly jump out of my skin.

May said...

Good to see these scenery here...

EG CameraGirl said...

Music works...or sometimes I read a couple of chapters in a book I'm currently reading. :)

George said...

I also listen to music. I'll admit that I almost always have music going because it helps me keep on an even keel.

I really like your wintry photos.

Hilary said...

I walk when I'm in a mood.. and snap photos, of course. And yours are lovely as always. That last one is gasp-worthy. Have a wonderful Weekend, Betty.

Teté M. Jorge said...

When I'm having a bad day, I just stop to do all I'm doing in the moment and listen to music, think and think...

Hugs and love.

Nevine Sultan said...

My dearest Betty, your photos are absolutely stunning! They belong in an exhibition of their own!!!

My favorite pick-me-up is writing... of course. But it's not my only one. I also love to bake. I find kneading dough extremely therapeutic. Practicing mindfulness for a few minutes is also a great one. And sometimes there's nothing better to pick up my mood than going outdoors for a nice walk...

I wish you a delightful Sunday, my dear, and a beautiful week to come.

Warm hugs to you,

magda said...

Αγαπημένη μου Μπεττούλα
Τι υπέροχες ρομαντικές χειμωνιάτικες φωτογραφίες!!!
Πόσο αγαπώ αυτόν τον καιρό! Εδώ στην Ελλάδα δεν ήρθε ο χειμώνας ακόμα.
Θέλω να δω έστω και λίγο χιόνι, να μυρίσω την βροχή...
Ωραία συμβουλή του Dr OZ! Θα την εφαρμόσω.
Πάντως εγώ στις "ανάποδες" μέρες, είμαι όλο νεύρα.
Σου στέλνω πολλά φιλάκια

Dirk Rosin said...

excellent pictures !

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Music is good, or reading blogs unless my internet is out, which happened a lot last week and that made me cranky! :) Also, nature always cheers me up. Hoping for a better week ahead for all of us!

Marisa said...

Love this post. Gorgeous photos!
So happy to have discovered your blog.

Craver Vii said...

Intriguing question! I'd like to come back and carefully read all the responses.

"Anger turned inward is depression. Anger turned sideways is Hawkeye." ~Sidney Freedman" From "Dear Sigmund," M*A*S*H original airdate 9 November 1976

I find that I like to respond by venting in a way that mimics a stand-up comic's routine. Laughter is good medicine!

Having said that, I must acknowledge that anger is not in itself a bad thing. Psychologist Dr. Gary Chapman wrote a book that explains anger is how God programmed us to give us so that we're driven to make a correction when we encounter injustice. Anger then, is similar to a gauge or warning light on a machine. The problem occurs when, as fallen creatures, we misinterpret or distort the injustice and especially when we respond in an unhealthy way.

Those pics of yours are wonderfully expressive images!!

Craver Vii said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mersad said...

I know most people would say that this type of weather is depressing, but not to me. There is clearly lots of things to see and take photos of. They are just a different kind of images. I think your images prove my point. I really like them. On bad days I stay in my bed and watch movies or tv shows. But I also like taking my camera and going outside. Doing something physical can help washing the darkness out.

Ajay Kumar said...

Nice winter shots! visit to know about Indian Regal land Rajasthan though my recent article.

Liz Mays said...

I'm sure my solution isn't the best, but I usually just sleep and kinda move the day along that way. Usually everything is fine by the next day!

Bitch said...

Your images can make me feel better in an instant, Betty dear!
My tip was (years ago) tennis, tennis etc...
but now .. is ice cream )):))


Betty Manousos said...

thank you everyone for all your wonderful, helpful tips and suggestions. it really means a lot to me! xo

Anonymous said...

When I have a bad day I go for a walk with Dama, my bitch on the beach or in the countryside. I see the video of the movie "The Money Pit" with Tom Hanks or hear relaxing music Ying-Yang, Reichi or tai chi.
Hugs and kisses ... Your recuperate the cold.

Nancy said...

I try to start each day with a little prayer of thanks -- it helps.

Hope you feel better dear. xo

Toni said...

I love to listen to music too when I need a pick me up :)

Mandy said...

When I have a bad day I also listen to music or I might disappear into a good book. I like the toe touching tip!

I hope you're feeling better Betty. I feel like I might be getting a cold today too.

La Gata Coqueta said...

Compartir la vida nos hace más felices,
compartir la alegría incrementa nuestra felicidad,
compartir nuestras lagrimas libera nuestros sentimientos de un gran peso,
compartir nuestros sueños nos brinda más posibilidades de alcanzarlos,
compartir con los demás nos abre un mundo de posibilidades incalculables...
Como incalculables son los aventajados latidos de las emociones,
que diligentes parten a reunirse con las vivencias y rimas que tu intelecto
ha expuesto para ennoblecer el espíritu de quienes las estamos leyendo.

¡Te deseo que disfrutes del comienzo de una maravillosa semana!

Un abrazo besando las brisas
Y un beso abrazando las sonrisas.

María Del Carmen

Pat Tillett said...

I'm having a great day. It's even better now, after looking at your great photos!

Fernando Santos (Chana) said...

Belas fotografias de inverno...

Carver said...

Beautiful winter scenes. I hope you feel better soon.

Siddhartha Joshi said...

Wonderful shots...love them!

Samantha said...

Really awesome pictures!

Georgia said...

Creative photos of the winter!
Love them:))