Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

For my Americans friends, just popped in today to wish each and every one of you a very happy Thanksgiving and a very happy Hanukkah!
I am going to turn off comments here, but I’ll still be visiting you, and I’ll be back here after the holiday.

Hope you have a delicious day filled with family, love and lots of pumpkin pie. xx

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Blogging Notes

As most of you already know, here on CAD I post, one blog post per week and I'm fine with that. One post per week is the perfect balance for me, at least for the time being. I just gave up trying to post every day because it is too hard and sometimes real life has to come first.
I applaud people who can post everyday. I just can't. I tried to, but I was physically exhausted.

Gosh, things have been crazy over here. I've been so busy with work lately. I feel overloaded and I often have to work late to hit the deadlines. So today, I got the bright idea to write a quick and easy post and share some recent photos that I feel...

The Great Essentials of Happiness Are...

kitten and back yard
Something to do, something to love and something to hope for. By Allan K. Chalmers.

Oh wait...and something to pet!
autumn leaf
autumn colors and autumn flowers
{In the meantime...

But Would You Expect Any Less From a Woman Whose Motto Is...

blue sky in autumn
"Keep Walking - Keep moving forward". So I've been away from blogging for a while. Over a couple of weeks actually. And I felt so guilty for not blogging. What have I been doing while on blog break?
{Busy being fabulous? You would be surprised how hard it is sometimes:)}

Well, certainly not. In fact, I went through some tough situations that threw me for a loop...that's the things about life-sometimes life can just suck, but we do get through it and develop strength through it all.

It's not often that I let people into my little world...writing about myself is just something that I learned not to do, but in an effort to be authentic I'd like to talk about something difficult I went through recently.
My life feels stressful sometimes. I nearly had an anxiety breakdown last week...I just couldn't fake being happy anymore.
You see, relationships can greatly impact my emotional life and cause emotional stress. Breakups can be really hard. After a bad breakup it can feel almost impossible to keep positive, motivated, and forward-focus.
Unfortunately, we all go through the ups and downs of everyday life and sometimes it feels like we are in an endless tunnel, but things do get better and I strongly believe that. Lost a loved one. Or maybe your pet, or even a precious dream. Whatever your case may be, these are times we all go through. We are all guilty of carrying far too much emotional baggage.
Things happen that I have no control over, so I have to put them behind me and get on with my life.
My point is that you're not going to feel sad all the time you just have to get over it and move on.
After all, although the breakup is sad, it's not the end of the world.

They say, there is no bad without good. Pain surprisingly is just an opportunity to find out how grand you really are.
So the best part is once we "come back", we come back stronger, bigger and better. Everything does happen for a reason.

When I feel lost, depressed or things fall apart for me, I've also found a few ways that really help me get grounded and feeling alive. 

Here's my list of things to get out of a funk. Works for me.

1. Go outside and spend my time in nature.
 I'm much of a 'nature' person, so taking time to sit outside, walk in the woods, or that sort of thing can be  very calming and refreshing.
2. Read a good book
3. Try some warming recipes like this
4. Surround myself with things and people I love.

It is amazing how much help comes out from all these people who want to be there for us.

Okay, enough of all this moaning. Frankly, I even hesitated to write this post because I am worried it is too personal to publish. But then I thought that what I've expressed here might have an ultimate impact on many others. I do hope so.

On a totally different note, I'm trying to focus on the fact that it's November. And each year when November arrives I realize that it's time to soak up whatever particular delights winter has to offer.
wood fireplace and flames and autumn landsacpe

yellow fall leaves and branches in autumn landascape
blankets and blue sky

mussels and pumpkin soup

Back Again

ship and sea and orange sunset and a couple sitting on a bench
{Waiting for the ship to come in...}

Hello there! I know it's been awfully quiet around here, and I do feel a little badly about that.
I just wanted to let everyone out there know that yes, I am still alive.

P.S. Look forward to catching up with you this Friday. I've missed y'all so much! xx

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