Have an Amorous Weekend!

This is a genuine marriage proposal. A brilliant, genius and adorable way to say "Will you marry me?"
What a cute guy! Oooh, how I love his accent! Good luck to the lucky girl.
How could anyone say no to a marriage proposal like that?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my sweets. xx    

(Video by CakeGroup)


Anonymous said...

may your weekend be filled with music, laughter and love.

hugs my friend

Unknown said...

Awwww! So sweet. May your weekend be filled with romance and bliss as well!

Joe Cap said...

I hope you have a great, restful, and amorous weekend!
In fact, I command you to.

Pres. Kathy said...

You too!

Nevine Sultan said...

That is absolutely adorable, Betty. What a wonderful way to start the weekend! I wish you a weekend filled with joy and fun... and relaxation!


Pat Tillett said...

It looks like you are off to a good start! Enjoy...

Matty said...

Well, isn't that the neatest thing. I'm sure she had to have said yes.

Unknown said...

Just brilliant!

Elena said...

Love his accent!
Have a great weekend!

Ms. A said...

Not sure I remember what amorous is anymore, but I would totally take anything that cute guy has to offer.

Have a positively wonderful weekend! Maybe yours will be amorous.

Betty Manousos said...

Ms Anthropy, I'm with you.LOL! Here's to an amorous whatever!
Thanks so much.

Trac~ said...

Have a great weekend my friend! Lots of love and hugs! xoxoxo

imac said...

Nice one, hope she said yes,lol.
brill post.

ableur said...

Nice one...

Shawn said...

Very Cute

Ah Ngao said...

hehehe.... ! you have a beautiful weekend Betty

Anonymous said...

This is great!! If I ever pop the questions, this will give me some great ideas!

JoJo said...

Love it!

Bossy Betty said...

So sweet! Thanks for sharing!

Have a great weekend!

Elizabeth Anderson said...

aw, makes me smile. ;))

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

That's awesome!
Hope you have a great weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Very sweet. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

Unknown said...

You came back with plenty of energy and amorous mood Betty.
After rearranging and de-cluttering everything in your house, you are out for a romantic weekend.
Wish you make the best of it.

KrippledWarrior said...

Dang, Even I would have said "Yes!" to that...

septembermom said...

Hope you have a very love-filled weekend too!

ritsa said...

That is quite awesome, Betty!

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Awwwwwwww! that was so sweet. Thanks for sharing the video.

Have a great weekend dear.

RA said...

I'll say one thing: whoever is he girl at the receiving end, she is one lucky lady! :)

Have a great week end!

Lifebeginsat30ty said...

I want one! The man and the proposal!

And you're right, the accent does make it a gazillion times better ;)

Claudya Martinez said...

Very sweet!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Good to know there are still some romantic men out there. Enjoy the rest of your week-end.

athina said...

Very cute post!

yonca said...

That's so sweet!

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

Hi Betty, yes, I've been following you too. With so many followers, it's hard to keep track, huh? I probably have not commented much, but I'm try to improve with that. I do love your blog.

Sarah said...

Ahh, it's so cute it makes me want to cry. Yes, yes, yes I do! (I hope she says)

So happy you've found me. You have a lovely blog.

Georgia said...

Great vid!

Melissa B. said...

Adorable! Hope you had a lovey-dovey weekend...

Everyday Kathy said...

Hope your weekend was a romance filled one!

I'm stopping by to tell you that as one of my newest followers I've given you a little blog award/challenge... come by my Everyday Mommy blog to see. No pressure. Just play along if you think it would be fun for you!

ruma said...

All is lovely, and heartwarming decoration.
Your work enlightens me very much...

Thank you for visiting my blog.

From the Far East.
Best regards.

Momma Fargo said...

very cute! Hope you had a wonderful weekend, Betty! And a great week ahead as well.

English Rose ♥ said...


Hope you had an amorous weekend too Betty!

Merci beaucoup for stopping by beautiful =]

Have a lovely week!

Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x

Pat said...

Wow - that was a great proposal!

Hope you had a great weekend!

Kelly said...

How could anyone say no to that proposal?!? Priceless!!

Thanks for sharing it here!

Cheri Pryor said...

I LOVE that video!!! So romantic and wonderful and cute. Awww!

Anonymous said...

I really like your blog and i really appreciate the excellent quality content you are posting here for free for your online readers. thanks peace dale tuck

Leovi said...

Beautiful photo. A nice bouquet of flowers, I love your design.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info! We're making a custom pair of slippers for you :)” oh wow thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you amazing blog, do you have twitter, facebook or something similar where i can follow your blog

Sandro Heckler

Anonymous said...

I cant find a link where i can subscribe to this blog, webmaster how can i follow your blog?

Teddy Tschicke

Betty Manousos said...

sandro heckler, thank you. you can follow on twitter...just click on the twitter link in my right sidebar.