I'm Too Young to Feel This Old!

Okay. Keep sharp while aging by:

* Puzzles

* Crosswords

* Exercise

* Learning something new

Scientists have discovered puzzles and crosswords are an entertaining and fun pastime but can also do wonders to our brain.
And as mind and body are interconnected, exercise it's also a great way to keep our minds sharp.
Also, researchers have discovered that exercise and solving crosswords and puzzles on a daily basis may significantly benefit our mental health. They can reduce stress and anxiety, which wipe out our memory bank.
Learning something new is another strategy we can use to keep our memory sharp while aging.
It matters not whether it's learning a new language, beefing up your editing skills or drawing a picture. Learning something new may improve people's memory abilities, research suggests.

And remember, "at any age, you're too young to feel this old!"

Hope you have a lovely weekend. xx

6 Simple Steps to keep your mind sharp at any age.

(Vintage photos via Pinterest.)