Photo Inspiration: Soulfulness

Diving World.

Panos Vardakas is not here among us anymore. It was a tragedy that he left this world so young. He was only 30 year old. He had so much to offer. 
Panos was a very talented, generous, brilliant person, and photography was one of his passions.

Here are some of his creative photographs.
Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro.
Road Cycling.
Red Arrows Over Athens.
Olympic Games Athens 2004. Closing Ceremony.
Belgium. Parks and Forests.
Bruxelles. Bois de la Cambre.
From Soul to Soul.

Panos no longer resides on the earth, but remains just as alive in my heart and mind as ever.
I know he's smiling from heaven above. 
Thank you, Panos, for the beauty you offered us.

(Photos by Panos Vardakas)

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Photo Inspiration: 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest

Climate Change Consequences.

Photo and Caption by Mike Curry. (Finalist-Place.)

(16,000 photographs submitted from 130 countries entered National Geographic Photo Contest 2010.)
Law of Survival.

Photo and Caption by Dung Ma. (Finalist-Nature.)
Colibri (Hummingbird).

Photo and Caption by marcos futer. (Finalist-Nature.)

Photo and Caption by Juan Rubiano. (Embrach, Switzerland.)
Panama Red.

Photo and Caption by John Rizzuto. (Panama City, Panama.)
Fear  God.

Photo and Caption by brian bielmann.
Taveuni Rainbow.

Photo and Caption by david bizzi.
Eruption of Gunung Rinjani, an active volcano in Indonesia.

Photo and Caption by Lim Boon Teck Aaron.
Grand Prize Winner and Nature winner of 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest.

(Photos via National Geographic.)

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Life is Hard for Abigail Doggie

I hate going to pubs. I am so damn bored over, my boring life is killing me... If only I could figure out how to escape from this pub I'm trapped in.
I really need a vacation. Last summer I begged my human to take me along on vacation to the beach. Chances are he will never be willing to take me along with him. He always leaves me alone and spends the whole vacation with his awful girlfriend.
To be frank, I'm getting tired of them.
I'm a good pup. I always wag my tail whenever I see them coming my way, and keep giving and giving and get so little back. But my nature is to not give up.
Abigail Doggie thinks: Doggies don't need humans if they can't sacrifice for them.

Abigail Doggie thinks: Life is hard for self-respecting doggies.

Well, I really need a summer vacation, too. Everyone deserves a vacation holiday!
So, I'm taking one for a few days. Since I'll be away tomorrow, I've scheduled some of my favourite photos to post twice a week. The posts are titled, "Photo Inspiration", so please continue to visit, if you'd like.

Look forward to catching up with a new post and a few pictures from my vacation.

Hope you have a safe, happy rest of your summer, my dears! xx

How Do You Feel When Watching the Sunset? + Have a Romantic Weekend!

Day cruise. Cancun, Mexico.
orange sunset
Cancun, Mexico Sunset. Marvelling (marveling) at the wonder of the sunset in all its degradation. Softly the evening came...

Is there anything more beautiful than an Orange sunset? 
"Yes, a beautiful Orange sunrise" more than likely you said. To be frank, I have never been able to photograph a sunrise so far. The hardest part of Sunrise Photography is waking up early in the morning. 
I think I am too lazy to set up early in the morning for shooting sunrises.

I love to watch the sunset, and this time of year they can be quite spectacular. 
I think so many of us imagine watching the sunset with their beloved ones or someone special. I'm always in too much awe of the lovely colours and totally absorbed by the beauty and calmness of the sunset to notice I am alone.

How do you feel when watching the sunset? Romantic, relaxed, lonely, like something is missing? I'd love to hear. :)

My lovelies, hope you have a wonderful summer weekend! xx

P.S. Tip for photographing sunrises: The early morning light is soft and diffused so you need a longer shutter speed to let in more light.

Tip for photographing sunsets: Adjust your White Balance. If you want to bring out the colour through, try switching to one of the presets that adds warmth such as Shade or Cloudy.

Wondrous Silk

Fabulous silk!  These Soufli Silk Museum exhibitions endeavour to display the entire silk manufacturing process. 
I can't help but feel amazed at how the Silk Road had such a great impact on civilization. The Silk Road- the most well-known trading route of ancient Chinese civilization- played an important role in the establishment of cultural and economic relations between East and West.

Daydreaming...would you love to travel the ancient Silk Road? The scenery along the road must be incredibly fascinating and unique! Don't you think? xx

P.S. I'm having a great, relaxing day. Why does it feel like a weekend? At least to me! I'm happy...I guess. :) xx

Are You a Cat or Dog Person? + Have a Sweet Weekend!

I'm most certainly a dog person, but I love kitties, too. Cats always are attracted to me and I truly love the furry pet world. No doubt these poor cats are having such a bad time! Oh, and there have been two cat visitors to my backyard lately. Congratulations guys, you're adopted!
What about you?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my lovelies!

Don't sit around the house...get out and enjoy Nature. 


Have a great one! xx

How about a Ba- Donka-Donk ? Totally. Brilliant! You gonna love it!

(Bottom photo courtesy of Google images)