Have a Blissful Summer Weekend!

Golden wild grasses in the summer sunlight.
I love this beautiful, peaceful view!   
The summer heat is definitely upon us and quite frankly, I'm not really particularly eager to go out and..."play" in the sun.
 A beautiful red Geranium. 

It looks like summer
I woke up to a glorious, bright, summer day. With the summer 
season in its peak and the summer heat melting everything outside it is no surprise that I like to snuggle in the comfort of the cool breeze of the air conditioner.        
Hopefully I'll take a few days summer vacation in August, 
but I'm now looking for good movies to watch in the meantime.
I love classic films, Sci-Fi, drama, and biography genre and any movie that is uncommon.

Any movie suggestions? What would you recommend that could make my keep at home worthwhile?
I'd love to hear. Thanks so much. :)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my lovelies. xx                              

Lamp Talk

Lighting plays an aesthetic as well functional role for me. I like the forms of table lamps that are simplified, reflecting a welcoming
and comforting feel- a perfect mood of a drawing room or bedroom.   
I love an eclectic mix of items for decorating my house.                                          
When the lighting effect is successful and the lights are switched on your worries are melt away, then a magic occurs...
I think these lamps would fit in any room so perfectly. Don't you think? xx    

Then Magic Occurs...

I love this memorable Chinese saying: "A picture is worth a thousand words." It is so true. We are exposed to a wide range of images that in return offer many of different moods.
Likewise, there are pictures that stand out from the rest because they are eloquent, evocative and meaningful.
Some photographs ought to be seen as visual poems that capture a specific emotion, meaning, symbolism.

Join that deep beauty by letting the image sink into the soul rather than watching it in awe from a distance.

An unspoken coordination of era, culture, and architecture.                  
Worn Boats.

Worn by good use but still distinctive and pretty.This photo is literally suggesting an essential harmony between nature and culture.                                     

Then magic occurs...xx                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Have an Amorous Weekend!

This is a genuine marriage proposal. A brilliant, genius and adorable way to say "Will you marry me?"
What a cute guy! Oooh, how I love his accent! Good luck to the lucky girl.
How could anyone say no to a marriage proposal like that?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my sweets. xx    

(Video by CakeGroup)

On De-clutter

From a trip to Ikea.

I have to say that I feel much better and lighter! After de-cluttering my home I got great satisfaction because
I know that the energy flow in my house will be better.
I got rid of things that I didn't like clothes, shoes, pillows,sheets, whatever!
I am only surrounded by things I really love.
I knew other people who needed these things more than I did. So why not give these things to them?
I've already donated seven large garbage bags full of stuff to charity. But I kept all my books and papers I wrote for classes. I often refer back to them at some point because of my work; and also because I enjoy reading, studying, and researching so much.

I strongly believe that clutter (physical/emotional) can negatively affect your emotional well-being (and v.v.). In fact, organize is always better than clutter but it is hard to do every time.  
I have to confess that I'm just facing that kind of mess occasionally. 
Imagine the sight of piled up papers, folders, books, and cups, and cluttered closets...argh, it is literally a nightmare experience, I assure you.
Albert Einstein once said, "A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind." On the other hand, when you think of getting organized, a few people may think, "Oh, No, I'll become a control freak!" It's all about finding balance.

I'm not sure if cluttered houses could mean cluttered minds but a cluttered space leaves me with a cluttered mind;) xx

How I got organized and clutter free!      

Busy, Busy,Busy!

Now, where did I put that cellphone?

Just popped in to let you know that I am still busy
de-cluttering my home, especially getting rid of closet clutter. I really feel exhausted and on top of that I've also got a cold with all the symptoms of a common cold...? sneeze, dizziness, headache and nausea.

In the meantime, here's a hilarious video by George Carlin. Loving this comedy video that so wonderfully reflects how obsessed we can be with our "stuff". xx
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Rescuing My Pans

Oh No! What do I do now? My supper is burnt to the bottom of the pot!
We all have these moments when things don't go according to plan. I have been neglecting my kitchen mostly because I was just so absorbed by my blog; being devoted blogger also throws a wrench in things.
Actually, I think it all comes down to prioritizing. I have so many things I'd like to get done in a day that most days I feel so overwhelmed by it all.
So I've decided that I should make a point of blocking some time for rescuing my pans! Otherwise, I'll still have things like these.

Well, I won't be blogging for a few days. 

Hope you have a fantastic weekend, and happy 4th of July to my American friends. xx                                 

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